terrible flirting (winteriron) [smut warning]

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god this got so out of hand but i'm not complaining lmao sorry not sorry


"Just go flirt with him." Yeah, that's easy. Steve had told Bucky those words after the latter had told Steve about his feelings for Tony Stark. The Tony Stark, Ironman, genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. What could go wrong flirting with him?

"Hey, uh, Tony, could we talk for a bit?" Bucky asked nervously, standing in Tony's doorway.

"Sure, what's up?" Tony asked, standing from his bed.

He's so small and adorable, Bucky thought, smiling. He took a deep breath before his two working brain cells tried putting a sentence together; "You... have a face." He mentally face palmed. This is what would go wrong.

Tony smiled in confusion, walking over to Bucky. "Yes, yes I do. Your point?" He asked, chuckling a bit.

"I mean, a nice face, you have a nice face." Bucky, come on. You can do better than this.

Tony snorted softly in amusement. "Uhh... thanks?" He squinted a bit, still smiling at Bucky. He knew what the other man was trying to do and failing miserably at.

"Please accept my attempt at flirting. I don't know what I'm doing," Bucky gave up, laughing a little.

Tony chuckled and rolled his eyes, looking away. "Close the door, the wall is feeling second hand embarrassment," he joked, winking a bit.

Bucky reluctantly closed the door, looking back at Tony. He walked further into the room, sitting next to Tony on a couch.

"I get what you're trying to do, but you're terrible at flirting," Tony chuckled. "Either Steve never taught you or you just haven't learned from experience," he joked. "So you don't need to try and do that with me, k? The feelings are mutual between us," he admitted, leaning against the couch.

Bucky's eyes widened a bit and he tilted his head slightly. "You mean-?" He was cut off by Tony.

"Yes, I like you, you adorable dumbass!" Tony laughed lightly, sitting up again and turning to him. "You're so clueless it's just cute and you're just the whole god damn package. Hot, dumb, cute- everything," Tony ranted a bit. He sighed, realizing that Bucky was too shocked to make a move and grabbed his shirt before roughly kissing him.

Bucky made a small noise of surprise before he kissed back, smirking a bit as he felt how rough it was. He pushed Tony down onto the couch, still kissing him. A few seconds later, they pulled apart.

"So you do know how to make a move," Tony muttered, smiling up at Bucky.

The latter just smirked and kissed him again, still rough but more passionate.
(i swear i didn't mean to go this far but here we fucking go.)

Tony reached up for the bottom of Bucky's shirt and tugged up on it a little. Bucky pulled back and took it off, tossing it to the side. He didn't care that Tony saw the scars on his shoulder- it was part of him and he had to accept it. Plus, Tony had seen them wheneve he made repairs to Bucky's arm.

Bucky leaned back down to start kissing him again before Tony stopped him. "Bed, now," he practically demanded before leaning up and kissing Bucky again.

Bucky picked him up, standing up from the couch and carrying Tony over to the bed. He got them onto the bed and pushed Tony down, still kissing him.

Tony pulled away after a second, panting quietly. "J, lock the doors and activate the sound proofing," he called out. The AI said nothing, but the door audibly clicked and soundproof padding came down from the ceiling to cover the walls.

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