Escape and new discoveries

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He didn't know what to do. He had nowhere to go. He knew that "Steve", if that was even his real name and claimed to be his best friend, wouldn't let him into his home. Not after he almost got killed by the hands of his so called "best friend". The tall blonde man probably hated him after what happened and maybe even wanted him dead. He wouldn't blame him.

He had no idea who he was. When he was sent earlier this week to kill Captain America on the highway, his mask came off. The tall blonde male seemed confused. Sad even. He had called him "Bucky". And as far as he knew, he was never given that name. He was always referred to or addressed as the asset, soldier, or the Winter Soldier. He had never even heard the name "Bucky".

But then later that week, he was sent in to stop Captain america, where he had learned the man's name to be "Steve", from stopping project Insight. He didn't really remember much of what happened. All he remembered from the mission was fighting Steve, being told that he was his friend, nearly killing said friend, and the frase "I'm with you till the end of the line".

That's when he saw the flashes. Of him with the other man. If he remembered correctly, it was him and the blonde guy wearing clothes that didn't look like they were from the current era. He also remembered  the blonde guy being skinnier, way skinnier. He looked sickly almost. At least he thought so. He wasn't sure. But his face. His face looked exactly identical to the blonde guy he beat the crap out of. That's why he wasn't sure if the taller blondes name was Steve. He looked so different. But not only that, he didn't know who to trust at the moment.


Bucky was scared. He was hanging off the side of the train-car. Just below him was a snowy abyss that would surely kill him if he fell. "Bucky. hold on! I'm coming to get you!" Somehow Bucky knew this was the end.

Steve desperately tried to reach his best friend, but sadly the railing Bucky was hanging onto detached itself from the blown out innards of the train-car. It was like the whole world slowed down just to make the few seconds last a lifetime. He could see the heartbreak in Steve's eyes. He could see the pain and realization in his brothers eyes that he was too late.


And then he was gone.


He remembered. That was Steve. Everything Hydra had done to him had made him not only skeptical of the people around him, but of himself as well. But the only thing he knew was real was the the blonde man was Steve and that his name was Bucky.

Bucky felt an emotion relatively similar to relief and happiness, but that was soon replaced with guilt, sadness, anger, and confusion. He felt guilty because he had almost killed his best friend. His brother. He felt sadness due to the fact that the image of Steve's heartbroken eyes were seared into his mind. He felt angry towards Hydra for stripping him of his humanity and life, even if he couldn't remember what that was or how it felt before Hydra. He was confused because he had no idea where he was. He had no idea what to do with his life now that Hydra was destroyed. He was so used to being treated like an object or an animal, that he didn't know what to do with this newfound freedom.

Freedom. The word sent chills down his spine. He could go wherever he wanted to without having a target to kill. He could simply go just because he wanted to. The idea filled him with a sense of confidence and strength. He was free. He was finally free.


Since he no longer had someone watching his every move and telling him what to do, he decided that the first thing he wanted to do was to get out of the city and try to remember who Bucky was before the Winter Soldier. Even though he knew he was Bucky, he didn't really feel like it. But he didn't really feel like the Winter Soldier either. He was a man in between.

Bucky looked around at his surroundings. He was in a forest type place outside. He could hear some cars in the distance so he assumed that he was a road nearby. Bucky was hoping the in the other direction lead to the outside of Washington DC. He started in the opposite direction in hopes that he was right when he remembered that his tactical suit was still drenched with water from pulling Steve to the shore two hours ago. The material was sticking to his skin, especially in the crotch and right armpit area, making slightly uncomfortable to walk in. He decided that he would stop and take off his suit, since he was surrounded by trees with nobody around, and try to wring out the water. His pants were fairly easy to wring out because the material wasnt thick and was lightweight. But his vest proved to be a different story because it had straps all over the place and a knife holster that was removable, but with the straps being thick, they held lots of water and would just create uncomfortable damp spots on his chest and back. But lucky for him, he was wearing a form fitting muscle shirt, so he had no problem with leaving his tactical vest behind.

After about 20 minutes of drying his socks, pants, muscle shirt, and attempting to dry his boots, he got his clothes back on. Then he removed the knife holster from the vest and attached it to his belt and started his journey to the outside of the city. 


Bucky had been traveling for quite a while when it started to get dark. His theory about venturing away from the cars had proven to be correct. When he had officially started his trek to the outside of the city, he had passed by many large neighbourhoods, but as he kept walking, the large neighbourhoods turned into ten houses every other road, then it turned into just a couple of houses here and there. When he had reached the city limits sign, he felt relieved. But that relief soon turned into a stomach growl. He hadn't eaten anything since the fall of Hydra and he silently scolded himself for not looking for a secluded house earlier that he could break into at night to steal some food because now that he was officially outside the city there was a few houses speckled across the horizon but were far away. The closest house was what looked to be about an hour and a half away if you were to walk.

After about walking for an hour and a half, he had finally reached the house. But his previous assumption about the building was partially false. There was a house, but beside it was a barn and what looked like to be a field of crops and a grazing pasture. He found the sight to be in his favor. He knew where he was going to sleep for the night. When he made his way to the barn, he had passed a few horses in the grazing pasture. Since he had never seen a creature like it before, he approached the animal caution. The horse was the most beautiful thing he had seen in his opinion. The horse was a silky midnight black with a beautiful luscious mane. When he stopped in front of the animal, leaned forward in curiosity. Even the animal knew that a metal arm was abnormal for a human. Bucky began to reach out with his right hand but noticed that the beautiful animal was very interested in his other arm, so he reached out with his left hand instead. But before the two were able to thoroughly inspect and admire one another, the back door of the house opened.

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