Poor Timing Or A Miracle!

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"Pikachu! Use Quick Attack!" 

"Flamethrower Arcanine!"

A battle had broken out on Route 22 as the group traveled to Pewter City with Brock, after they dropped off the items Brock needed at the Pewter City Daycare; they would be heading to Pallet Town before traveling around Kanto for a bit.

Pikachu's tail cut through the Flamethrower effortlessly before slamming into Arcanine's face. 


"Now, use Electro Ball!"

Before Arcanine could move, Pikachu charged a ball of electricity and hurled it at the fire type. The larger pokemon was tossed back a ways by the attack, but it managed to stand.

"Quick, use Extreme Speed!"

"Counter that with Volt Tackle!"

Arcanine shot off at insane speeds, barreling towards the small electric type who in turn became covered in lightning. Both parties moved at each other, but Pikachu was launched back in the end.

Both trainers grinned at each other from across the impromptu battlefield, "Let's finish this!"

"Iron Tail!"

"Flame Charge!"

The fire and iron met, Pikachu's tail slammed Arcanine to the ground in the end; defeating it.

"That was a good battle!" the trainer returned his pokemon, "Thanks!"

"I had a great time," Ash grinned, "See ya!"

They went their separate ways, such was the life of a trainer. Ash and his friends continued on towards Viridian City so that they could go to Pewter City. Ash held the egg in his arms as they walked, all talking loudly and happily. 

"So Brock," Serena began, "What was it like traveling with Ash when he was younger?"

"Interesting for sure," Brock grinned, nudging Ash lightly, "I mean, Ash was now where near as good as he is now so it was a lot of teasing..."

"Hey!" Ash glared at Brock playfully, "I'll have you know that I was pretty good."

"Charizard wouldn't even listen to you." Brock reminded him, "And then there's the badges..."

Ash slapped his hand over Brock's mouth and laughed nervously, "Yeah... no."


"Well Ash," Brock told his friend, "I'll see you if you pass through here."

"Oh! Brock?!" Bonnie spoke up, "I know you said that your dad's the Gym Leader now, but when I come back can I battle you instead?"

Brock grinned and gave a thumbs up, "Sure thing Bonnie!"

The Kanto native then leaned over to Serena, "By the way, good luck with Ash."

Serena looked astounded for a moment before grinning, "Thanks."

"See yah!" Ash and the others waved goodbye as they started the journey back to Pallet Town.

They walked out of Pewter City and were faced soon with heading back through Viridian Forest. The trip felt a lot easier the second time, each path was one they had seen only a few hours prior so it was pretty simple for them to get back to the other side. The sight of Viridian City in the distance told them they were getting closer to Pallet Town.

"This place brings back some strange memories..." Ash looked at the structure that was Viridian Gym, "I wonder who runs it now."

"Says here it's run by a man named Blue." Clemont read the sign that was posted on the wall.

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