Chapter 7

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"They said she would be conscious in 48 hours maximum. It has been 5 days" Roy said brokenly.

"It is not like last time honey, listen to her heartbeat and the babies too look at her color. She will come around," Ivanna said trying to console her husband.

Erin's parents were sitting on one side of her bed while Brandon sat on the other side with his parents.

According to the doctors, apart for the fractured arm she was fine, the 'sleep' as they called it was coping mechanism. But Roy felt like history was repeating itself.

"Love if you can hear us please wake up for us." Brandon whispered rubbing her scalp.

Erin struggled through the darkness. She panicked thinking about her babies, the cars trying to run her off the road, she tried to hold on to the steering wheel and control the car, but she couldn't, so she screamed. She called out to her parents then to Brandon and kept on asking him to come and help.

Then she heard the voices and beeping. The voices gradually became clear and she slowly opened her eyes.

There was a doctor and nurses holding her down and she could hear Brandon and her dad reassuring her.

"Erin, can you hear and see me?" the doctor asked

She nodded in response.

"You have been asleep for a while but so far everything is fine, your babies are doing well too." The doctor said. "we will just check you up a bit then you can catch up with your family."

A nurse wheeled in a trolley with an assortment of medical equipment followed by her gynecologist. And her family were asked to step outside,

After minutes of examination and questions. The doctors stood back and looked at her smiling.

"The babies are fine Erin," the gynecologist said." you have been on an involuntary bedrest for the past 5 days and all seems well. You will be going home tomorrow but I want you to take it very easy. Since all seems to be going well, we will give and the babies sometime but when you come in again, we will work on a way forward. I will just step out and discuss this with Brandon as well." She said and walked out.

"Other than the fracture you seem fine physically." The doctor said "I however think you should consider seeing someone for psychological part. I will see you tomorrow before your discharge." He said and walked out to join the gynecologist and her family's meeting.

A short while later, her family walked back in, she observed that they looked happy but very exhausted. She however had questions and she would only be at peace is she got answers.

"Were they caught?" she asked quietly.

Everyone knew what she was asking.

"Baby I don't think you should focus on that now..." Roy said

"They tried to kill me and my children what do you expect dad?" she asked.

They exchanged looks around the room and seemingly settled on telling her the truth.

"One was caught but he was just hired muscle. The master mind is still on the loose, but the police and two private security agencies are on the look out for her." Malcom said.

"Why was she after me?" Erin Asked.

Everybody found a place to sit then Ivanna answered.

"This whole thing actually started with me and your dad. We are sorry baby. When I met your dad, he had a girlfriend he had been dating for about two years. Roy and I were just friends but when they broke up a year after we first met, he asked me out and I accepted, and we went on to get married." Ivanna said.

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