Chapter 2, Part 1: The Selection

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It had been three weeks since the first batch of people selected for Camp Belzec had been gone. I knew that wherever they were, they were surely having a blast. I still remember the day of selection.

We were all awake at the crack of dawn. I suspect that most of us haven't slept very well for the few days leading up to the selection. I was already awake when the sun peeked over my window, casting a soft light over the rumpled sheets that had creased from my constant movement. I heaved a sigh and slowly got up, my sores bones creaking from the movement. Despite my general sluggishness, I truly was really excited about today.

I walked into the kitchen where my mother had made some tapioca porridge with a healthy dose of fish sauce. It was the closest we would get to any sort of meat for a while unless we got to Camp Belzec of course. It seemed that lately a lot of my hope was pinned on going to Camp Belzec.

" Good morning Ita, isn't it a great day?" She asked cheerfully, a new spring in her step. It seems the new atmosphere of hope had infected her as well. I nodded happily and tucked into the bowl of porridge in front of me which seemed a little less drab today. Dad soon tumbled into the room as well.

"Morning you all!" He greeted cheerfully. This was not new, that was just dad. He ruffled my hair and threw a smile my way. After sharing a quick hug with mom, he got into his seat and tucked into his bowl as well.

After ensuring that everything in the kitchen was in working order, not that we had a lot in the kitchen, to begin with, mom also went to the living room with her own bowl. She started scooping the porridge into her mouth as well. A comfortable silence followed.

"Now Ita, your father and I were talking last night. You know that you have to be a good Latros to get into Belzec. We think that it's highly unlikely that you will be chosen this year, given how young you are. However, it is more likely that one of us will be chosen instead given that we have been here longer and worked as good Latros. If that happens, we will have to choose between going and staying. We have chosen to stay if one of us gets chosen. Both of us could never think of leaving you and each other." Mother said, smiling gently.

I was a bit disheartened to hear that there was a high chance I would not be selected, even though secretly I think I always knew that. I nodded, happy that my parents would choose to stay together as a family and suffer than be alone but happy. We loved each other dearly.

After breakfast, we put on our best clothes, simple jeans, and shirt for dad and a pretty dress for me and mom. Mom braided my hair for me and we set out to the town center where there were three Eres officers. They were dressed plainly, simple white uniform. The man in the middle of the two women had an envelope in his hand and a wide smile on his face. After a while, his loud and smooth voice echoed through the speakers connected to his microphone.

"Welcome Latros! I am here today to introduce the first batch that has been chosen for Camp Belzec. These Latros have proven beyond doubt that they are the model citizen. Hard-working, efficient and intelligent. They of all the people here have shown that they deserve being closer to the Eres. Under Camp Belzec, they will be well taken care of by being given the opportunities they need to grow into capable members of our country who will help us move forward!"

Thunderous applause resonated across the clearing. The man at the mike beamed, soaking in the applause through his pores.

"With that being said, let's move on to the names of our lucky 15!"

He took a pause before going on.

" Lisa Smith" An excited squeal pierced the room as one woman, in her 40s, started jumping up and down happily.

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