Be Gone

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As Shard slept in the far corner of the clearing, the raptors were hosting a meeting that he was not invited to. It was past Shard's bedtime, but he was so busy thinking about the giant dinosaur that he had seen earlier at Spawn Lake that he couldn't fall asleep.

He was also eavesdropping on the meeting. Root was standing on the stone slab, talking to the assembled raptors in the loudest whisper he could muster without Shard hearing anything he was saying.

Suddenly, as Shard was finally drifting to sleep, he started to catch a couple of things that Root was saying. And they startled him.

"...cannot keep him," Root was hissing quietly, "We must take him to the Rex from... Hypos."

Shard was wondering who they were talking about. Were they talking about him? He had to investigate.

Shard got out of his nest, yawned, and stretched. He snuck his way towards the crowd, Root's whispering getting louder and louder. As Shard wandered around the outer edge of the pack, he saw his mother in the back, standing next to Rock.

Shard slowly approached his mother and asked in a small voice, "Mom? What's going on?"

Sky swerved her head to look at her son. She had on a face of shock and horror as she stared at her son. Rock took a small glance at Shard.

"Shard!" Sky hissed, "What are you doing? Go back to the nest! It's past your bedtime!"

"Your mother's right," Rock added, "The moon's out, you can't be up this late."

"No," Shard growled, "I want to know what's going on!"

"That's not happening!" Sky growled back, "Go back! Now!!"

"What's going on?" Root was now staring at Sky and Shard. He must've never noticed Shard walk over and ask what was going on.

Sky turned to Root. Their eyes met. Then, Sky lowered her head. She looked ashamed.

"Sorry, Root," Sky apologized, "I didn't mean to interrupt. I don't want him to find out-"

"Sky," Root growled. His tone of voice was sympathetic, "It's okay. He has to learn at some point. It's best to tell him now when his situation is this dire."

Sky exhaled deeply. Rock turned his gaze to Sky.

"Shard," Sky explained, "There's something I've been meaning to tell you for a long time. You might not believe me, but it's the truth."

Shard was prepared.

"You're not a raptor," Sky growled, "You're a Rex."

Shard was no longer prepared. His jaw fell to the ground along with his face.

"What?" Shard chittered meekly, "But... how? The law..."

"I know," Sky hissed, "But I had no choice. You were going to die if I didn't rescue you. I thought it would be fine because the dinosaurs who enforced the law haven't been seen in years. But now that they have returned, I fear for the worst."

"Was that the big dinosaur we saw at the lake?" Shard asked, "Was he there because of me?"

Sky's blue eyes were covered in tears, "Yes. I'm afraid so."

Shard didn't like to see Sky sad.

"Mommy..." he squeaked, "Please don't cry. I'm here for you."

But as he tried to snuggle next to Sky, Sky pushed him away.

"I'm not your mother anymore," Sky hissed. 

Now Shard was sad. His tail drooped and he lowered his head. He sniffled as water started to form around his eyes. 

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