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The sun was now moving behind the mountains. The forest was getting dark. But thanks to his excellent night vision, Shard was able to see as the light dimmed.

As he trekked through the forest, Shard heard something. He heard the small squeak of prey. Hearing the small squeaking made Shard hungry. He had to find whatever was making the noise.

Shard ran towards the sound, his mouth watering. He zigzagged across the dense terrain, the leaves on the ground silencing his swift movements.

It wasn't long before Shard ran right at the unsuspecting prey. He bit its soft back. The prey item screamed in pain as Shard swung his prey around before slamming it against the ground. Before the prey could escape, Shard placed his leg on the creature's back and bit into the dinosaur's long neck. The screaming stopped. The creature was dead.

Shard recognized the creature as an Ornithomimus, but Sky always called them "Oreos." Oreos were a great source of food for a small carnivore like Shard. And they were everywhere. Hunting just got easier.

After killing his prey, Shard bit into the creature's soft feathers and tore off a piece of flesh. After chewing it for a little bit, Shard gulped the small chunk before tearing off another piece of flesh. Then, the cycle repeated until all the skin was torn off and the Oreo was now a fleshy carcass.

Even though Shard was full, he wanted to save the rest of the carcass, in case he got hungry again. But in the meantime, Shard sat down and rested.

Shard woke up the next morning to hear more noises in the distance. But, suddenly, the noises got closer. Shard, now alerted, sat up. He looked to his carcass and found a large Velociraptor staring at him.

Shard stood up in a flash. He stared at the raptor, growling, "What are you doing here?"

The raptor stared at Shard before moving towards the carcass. 

"Oh no!" Shard snarled. He stepped in front of the raptor, "I'm sorry, but this is mine."

The raptor looked up at Shard and squeaked in dismay. Shard could tell by the raptor's body that this little guy was hungry. Really hungry.

Shard looked at the carcass. He huffed and said, Fine, you can have one piece. Just one, though."

Shard dug into the carcass and ripped off a section of the intestine. He gave it to the little raptor. A smile cascaded the raptor's face and he tore into the intestine. In a couple of minutes, the small piece of flesh was gone.

"Wow!" Shard gasped, "You really were hungry, weren't you?"

The raptor nodded and squeaked for more.

Shard looked at the carcass, then looked back at the raptor.

"Sorry, little guy," Shard apologized, "But I'm afraid that's all I can give you. I hope you're not still hungry."

The raptor shook his head. Shard smiled as the raptor rubbed his face against Shard's leg. It was a "thank-you" gesture that small raptors like to do to others when they are offered food.

Suddenly, Shard heard the rustling of leaves. He turned and saw his carcass getting dragged into the forest.

"Hey!" Shard roared, "That's my food!"

Shard ran towards the disappearing carcass. Then, the raptor scurried right by Shard, letting out a laugh. Then, Shard realized something: That raptor was trying to distract him while another went for the carcass. Smart little fiends.

As the raptor ran past, continuing to laugh, Shard screamed, "I'm going to get you for this!" But the raptor and the carcass were already gone.

Pretty soon, Shard started to lose stamina. Panting, he stopped and collapsed onto the forest floor, defeated. He heard the laughing of the raptor grow fainter and fainter. But he couldn't pursue: Shard was too tired to catch up.

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