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Back at the sundial rock formation, or the lair of the Hypos, Three-Face had sent a majority of the Hypos to help Crocodile in capturing the raptor pack that housed the fugitive rex. From there, Three-Face waited patiently for some news.

As Three-Face sat on his rock, he saw the trees break. A Hypo Carnotaurus emerged from the parted trees.

"Sir!" the Hypo Carno called, "I have news."

"Excellent!" Three-Face snarled with glee, "What kind?"

"Both," the Hypo Carno explained, "Good news is, the raptors are now under our wing. Crocodile has monitored them closely and none are experiencing any suspicious behaviors."

"And the bad news?" Three-Face asked.

"Fawn and Bristle have returned empty-handed," the Hypo Carno continued, "They lost the fugitive rex in a Trike herd."

"Is he dead?" Three-Face asked with interest.

The Hypo Carno shook his head, "No. After the herd left, Bristle saw little footprints leading into the forest. This fugitive rex is both lucky and clever."

Three-Face huffed. How did this little fiend know that Hypos did not do well in the forest? What a little prick.

"Well then..." Three-Face was deep in thought, "Seeing as the raptors are now under our possession, it is time for me to leave this rock formation. We have found a new and suitable home."

With that, Three-Face turned around and walked off of the rock. The Hypo Carno waited until his master was right by his side. Then, the Hypo Carno and Three-Face went around the forest and through the plains.

 Then, the Hypo Carno and Three-Face went around the forest and through the plains

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It had been almost a day-and-a-half since the Hypos took over the raptor pack. Sky was keeping track. It had been a day-and-a-half since Root was killed. And it had been two days since Shard left.

Sky was on baby duty once again. She wasn't assigned to it this time. There was no more Alpha. But for the time being, Rock was in charge of the raptors. He was Root's brother, after all.

One night, as Sky slept near the nest with a pale-while raptor named Cloud, Sky was awoken to the sound of soft talking.

She looked at the nest she was sleeping next to and noticed that everyone, except Cloud, was gone. It was about then that Sky started to panic. Her heart started to beat rapidly and she started to pant.

"Cloud!" Sky whisper/shouted, nudging the little raptor awake, "Where is everyone?"

Cloud woke up and was also alarmed to find his siblings missing.

"I don't know," Cloud squeaked, "Hey, look!"

Cloud motioned with his tail at the stone slab. Sky looked over at the stone slab. Sitting on the stone slab was a giant Hypo Giga. Sky realized that Hypo Giga had to be Three-Face, the Hypo alpha. What was he doing here?

Sky silently trotted over to the stone slab and was horrified to find that Three-Face had all of the raptor babies cradled in his claws. And he was telling them a little story.

"And that is why," Three-Face concluded his story, "You must always follow the law" - he looked over at Sky - "even if it means leaving them to die."

Sky huffed. She was offended by the comment.

"Come on, kids!" she snarled, "Time to get to bed! The moon's out."

Rolling his eyes, Three-Face opened his claws and the baby raptors hopped off of the stone slab and back to the nest.

As Sky watched them leave, Three-Face commented, "They don't look anything like your kid, do they? I think that's a good thing. I find baby rexes to be ugly little gooses who look nothing like their-"

Sky had had enough. She didn't care if Three-Face was a Hypo. She had to speak out against his bullying.

"What do you want?" Sky roared, "The dinosaur who you are looking for is gone! There's no reason to be here."

"Hm," Three-Face pondered, "You're right. But when he hears the news of his dead Alpha, he will come back. I promise you that."

Sky and Three-Face exchanged scowls at each other before Sky stomped off back to the nest.

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