ZACK - Always Her

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"(Y/N) You're the best you know that? That's why I like you." a boy with black hair grinned towards a (E/C) eyed girl. She became flustered and turned her head away from him to hide the red tints in her cheeks.

Yes, (Y/N) do feel.. Something for Zack.

They just finished doing their project together and to be honest, Zack is screwed without the girl with him. He wasn't the type to do projects and (Y/N) wasn't too. But when it comes to him, the girl would voluntarily help him.

"R-really? I like you too!"

"Yeah.. You're my friend and Mira's too."

That wasn't unexpected. But she did hate the fact her hopes were high just a minute ago.

Of course it would be Mira. Why would she expect it to be herself?

Sure, (Y/N) supported Zack with his dreams and even got hatred from her parents just because she did boxing to protect Zack from any harm.

Of course it would be Mira.

Yes, (Y/N) almost got killed by the dogs for protecting Mira against the pedophile cult leader all because she knew Zack couldn't survive a day thinking his beloved is gone.

Of course it would be Mira.

(Y/N) was always ready to sacrifice everything for him.

But of course, it would always be Mira.

I mean, who wouldn't? She was perfect. An angel from inside and out. She wasn't any other who will fall in love to some random handsome dude. Even during their childhood, she was heavenly, she was someone who will change every bad side of Zack.

So what was (Y/N) against an angel sent from above? An angel perfectly made for a bad boy like Zack?

But no matter what happens, she will always be by his side.


She finally got back from reality, only seeing Zack's enthusiastic face. For a second, (Y/N) thought that he was smiling towards her but hearing someone's voice hit her in reality so hard.

"I bought some donuts for you two!" she smiled and received a hug from Zack. "I was getting bored without you, Mira." he said in a low tone while his cheeks turned slightly Crimson.

'So I was boring to be with huh?', (Y/N) smiled sadly but understandingly. Her hair covering her left eye. She took her pen and notebook and slowly slid those inside her bag, to avoid disturbing the couple.

Finally while she was walking in the streets, someone starts yelling her name, and she spun only to see Mira calling her. Sweats falling from her forehead.

"Wait, you're leaving already? C'mon we should hang out more sis!" Mira smiled and embraced her sister that was about to go. (Y/N) patted her head. Yes, she is her sister, just a year younger though.

"I still have to tutor someone in our class, Mira."
She then hugged her older sister, "Congrats for the both of you."

"It's all thanks to you, (Y/N)."

As Mira's little sister, she became the bridge for Zack and her. Zack was obviously inlove with Mira and that goes for her too. (Y/N) was the only one who knew it. And she knew how hard Zack was working for it.

At least for his happiness, she can be a bridge.

"Gee.. No need to thank me! I did what I gotta do!" (Y/N) laughed and Mira grinned, flashing her white pearls. "Then.. Goodbye (Y/-"

"(Y/N) wait!"

In the distance, Zack was running to the two sisters.

It was obvious he was almost out of breath, as if he was running because (Y/N) might not be there anymore.

"Thanks..." that was the only thing he said yet (Y/N) could feel herself melting at his rare smile. It was something she will keep as a treasure in her memories.

"Welcome punk!" the (E/C) eyed girl winked and grinned. But it soon died when the couple kissed in front of her.

Instantly, her world crumbled.

"Shall we walk her towards her destination?" said Mira to Zack. But her younger sister declined, "N-no it's okay! I'm fine! Have fun you two bye-!" she ran for she can't let tears fall from her eyes.

At all cost, she won't let Mira know her feelings towards the boxer.

(Y/N) knew her very well that Mira will not hesitate to break up with him. She knew exactly that her older sister will only fake a smile. And (Y/N) wouldn't be satisfied with that. She would give up her own happiness for Mira.

And that is becoming a bridge where One person can only cross as it falls apart after he goes.

(Y/N) sadly smiled.

He did look so happy, and Mira too. But she will always be by his side.

I will never be satisfied.

Always by his side.

𝙈𝘼𝙆𝙀 𝙔𝙊𝙐 𝙈𝙄𝙉𝙀, lookismWhere stories live. Discover now