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Lycans birth mostly boys. It's a genetic tendency we have. Female Lycans are a rarity, probably one in twenty births. In such a case, she-wolves are in constant danger of being hunted like prey, sold like a commodity.

I've been on a run since I was thirteen. That fateful day when troops came knocking at our door and found me. 

See the birth of a female Lycan is so rare, it's a cause of celebration for packs. Because the more female Lycans it has to offer, the more at advantage it becomes. More money, more food, more protection, more safety offered by our King and the council. It's a happy occasion for the entire pack, but for the parents, it's an occasion of grief. Because they know that one day their daughters would be ripped from their arms, sold like a commodity to the highest bidder and turned into nothing but a mere breeding vessel.

It's not like that all she-wolves are taken from their parents right from their birth, it's not. The parents are allowed to keep their daughters until they turn eleven. After they turn eleven they're sent to an all-girls' school exclusive for wolves. There they're given lessons on math, science, English, a 101 history of wolves, why she-wolves are so important to the Lycan community, PE and sex ed. There they aren't taught on how to fight but on how not to fight, how to be all submissive and meek. The school keeps a tight leash on the young she-wolves. They make sure that the she-wolves remain a virgin until they take a mate. And for that, they organize an event called "The Mate Hunt" every year. You can call it a farewell party, if it could even be called a party,  for the graduating she-wolves.

The she-wolves, for this event, are prepared, they get pampered, are provided new dresses and shoes and accessories, training is given for an entire week to these she-wolves on how to behave and on how to not behave. All the powerful unmated male wolves in the country are invited to this event. Once there, the she-wolves are first paraded in front of the male wolves. The males there sit on their high thrones while the she-wolves are paraded in front of them in their barely-there scantily clothing and the males assess the females like a commodity to acquire. Once they choose their female, the she-wolves are then let loose and then the hunt commences. The males literally hunt for their females. Often it's seen that more than one male fixates on a female and thus a fight breaks out, the winner then claims his mate right there by taking her on the ground like an animal. All around its the same. Fights, sex, and some more fights. All around it's an all-out mating season. 

Sometimes the females are willing but sometimes they aren't. Of course, since all the females are virgins and males can often get high on adrenaline from the hunt and the fight, their first time can be aggressive and more painful than usual. In that case, the one-week-training before The Mate Hunt advice the females to remain calm, no matter what, and simply let their male claim them willingly. So to sum it up, The Mate Hunt is vicious, brutal and quite savage. Thus no parent wants to willingly admit their daughter in the school, where they'll be raped so barbarously. 

Hence, my parents did something that any good, caring parent would do. They hid me. Nobody knows I even exist, so how can they take me, right? My birth was not made known to my Alphas. It wasn't always their intention, of course. While my mom was pregnant, they knew. But due to an accident, mom went into early labor. At that time, mom's sister who coincidently also happened to be a midwife was there too. So with my aunt's help, mom gave me birth right there at home. Once they found out that she'd given birth to a daughter and not a son, like they were expecting, my parents decided to keep quiet. They swore my aunt into secrecy and lied to our Alphas that the accident had caused mom to miscarriage and that she could never conceive ever again. She could, of course, but that was a lie too. And hence, I was successfully hidden in our home. I was never allowed out of the home. My parents and sometimes my aunt would teach me and train me at home itself. 

It was all going good, but then one day after I turned thirteen, they found me. Loners, rogues, they called themselves. They are the criminals, the dregs of our society. They don't belong to any pack. They don't even follow our King or the laws set by our council. They trespassed our pack territory and attacked our pack. They only wanted to loot the pack members, they claimed, they weren't expecting the surprise they found in our home of course. Because I wasn't supposed to be there. I wasn't supposed to even exist. And even if I were, I was supposed to be at the girls' school for she-wolves. That's the law.

So they snatched me from my home, they kidnapped me. I ran away from them and I've somehow managed to hide from them for nine years. But now they've found me and now I'm here with these bloody rogues, dreading what might come next.


So, this is the prologue of my story. Hope you liked it. Stay tuned to find out what happens next!

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