Chapter 21

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"You are straight!"

"Don't let this little cute bundle of softness hinder you from liking girls."

"He's cute-"


Yoongi was marching around his room as he rants about his sexuality, and what he really wants. You see, he is straight as fuck, and no one should ever bend him. He doesn't want to come out into another sexuality.

He just can't stand the idea of being him being gay, it's not that he is homophobic, he just doesn't want to be one.

Jimin passes by the door and opens it as he looks at Yoongi with a bored gaze, Jin was simply summoning him for a talk.

"I am straight as fuck!" Yoongi yelled as he stares at the younger. Completely shocked at the what he had said himself.

"Oh." Was what Jimin only said and nodded, his eyes foggy with tears but he chose to blink it away.


"Jin Hyung is asking for you by the way." Jimin's bored face turned into a rather colder one and left with out another word. Maybe that one night stand that meant a lot Jimin was nothing to Yoongi.

Maybe he was hoping.

"Nice job Yoongi." He whispered to himself, feeling more burdened.

The end



Omayghad double update! Surprise bitches.

Yoongi is straight. HAHAHAHHAA

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