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I was sitting on my bed listening to Jamie N Commens when I got a text.
Mum ~ can you pop down the shops and get some bread.
What no please or thankyou's or even a hello?I don't bother replying I just put my phone into my pocket and grab my headphones then slip on some shoes and run down to the front door.
As I'm walking down the street I get a sharp pain in my stomach I try to carry on walking but it just gets worse. As I'm walking I see Michael and what he calls 'his gang'. I try waving but as I go to lift my arm up my I go weak in my knees and fall to floor. I can hear Ashton doing his annoying loud laugh whilst I'm on floor. I think Michael realised I couldn't get up because he eventually came over and helped me.

"What freaking took you so long to get your ass over here and help me" I say with an annoyed tone.

"Sorry, I thought you just tripped and fell over like your usual clumsy self" he says chuckling. Clumsy my ass.

"Anyway babe you were... What's the word... Well um"

"Wild" I say with a smirk.

"Yeah you were definitely wild that's for sure, and ayy its a good job your still on the pill, I forgot to use protection last night" he saying punching me in the arm laughing.
Wait what!

"Umm Michael, I came of the pill 2 months ago you dick head!" I say shouting.Okay now I'm freaking out and don't know what to do! I mean I'm probably not even pregnant! But I mean what if... What if I really am pregnant.

I was going berserk even thinking about it, how will I tell me mum?! Her reputation I'm meant to be moving in two days time and now this has to come in my way. I didn't stay with Michael for long he kept on bugging me though following me. Every freaking step I took he was one behind. I couldn't escape so I just turned round and slapped him then told him to fuck off someplace else. I sorta regret it but I'm hoping he understands.


Hey guys sorry for keep changing the story and the cover but I'm just trying to make things perfect I'm hoping this fanfic is going to go well and and if not better than my other one, but Thankyou for reading I love you all!

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