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I told Michael and his 'gang' to go home and I would be better off without them . I sorta regret it but I just really needed to get this friggen shop that seems like it's miles away!

As I finally approach the shop, I slow down a bit. My mind is still racing. I don't have a clue what's going to happen.
I'm still searching around for these dumb things, where the hell are they,I'm mean come on doesn't anyone get pregnant around here. This is an emergency.
As I turn the corner to exit and go find another dumb ass shop, I spot something in the corner of my eyes, a slim white box. A pregnancy test maybe? Well of course it is! I speed walk over to where I see the plain white box and quickly grab it. Whilst I'm walking over to the till I see old couples giving me mean looks, and adults looking down on me as if to say- if you were my child you wouldn't be bought up like this. I just avoid them and make my way to the counter. The person who serves me wasn't much help either.

I'm finally out of that hell hole. I debate wether to take the bus or walk home. I choose to walk to think about how I'm going to tell my mum and when. Maybe I should tell her when I get to London. It might be easier then if I get kicked out I won't have to see neighbours, old school teachers, one night stands. Michael.


Stepping through that perfectly painted red door that I have many times banged on to get in at three o clock in the morning after partying I step through once more I don't know what's going to happen. I don't even want any children never mind one at 17. I head straight to the bathroom and get not one but three pregnancy tests. What? I need to be certain!
I take all three and have to wait 5 minuets. All I can do is pace back and forth out side the bathroom in the hall way. I even set an alarm on my phone for when five minuets is up! I check my phone for what seems like the hundredth time. Wow only two minuets.
"TWO FRICKEN MINUETS" I shout out loud.
I jump from my seat as a alarm goes On the pregnancy test. I panic!
What if it's positive what am I gonna tell my mum? Dad's reputation? Fuck.I slowly glance down to where it lays. There's so much stuff going through my head right. My face starts getting wet before I realise I'm crying. Why the hell am I crying? If it positive I get an abortion and if it's negative then I'll go on as normal. Right?
I look down properly now. And I see the letters clear as day. I fall to my knees.

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