4 Years Later

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Ash's POV
After The Birth of My Kids They Been Growing up With Us Michael Is 8 Years Old
And Lara Is 5 Years Old And That Is When
I Did Love My Family After All Lara Where
Are You You Can't Find Me Daddy Are You Sure Lara I'm Sure Okay I'm gonna get you
You Still won't Find Me Daddy You Think I Won't Find You I'll Find You Gotcha You Found me Daddy Yeah Come on Your Mom
Is Waiting for Us To Eat Breakfast Ok Ash Did you Find Lara Yeah She was Playing Hide and Seek Again Lara Is That The Way
You Want Dad To Find You Yes Mommy Ok I Left You Off So Have You Been Thinking
About Learning Pokemon Yes Mommy Well
Your Daddy And I Had Talked About Sending you To Pokemon Preschool In Lumiose City kalos Really Yeah Since you're
5 Years Old We're Going to Send you to Pokemon Preschool in Lumiose City But Whose Going to Pick Me up When Class Is Ended It'll be Your Mom Or Me Will Pick You up Sorry Ash But I Promise Michael With His Shopping For School Well Guess I'll be Picking you up Yay I Already Enrolled you
When Do I go to Preschool Daddy You'll Go
There Tomorrow Morning Ok Lara Do you want to Go See Gary And His Kids Yes Daddy
Serena I'm Going to Take Lara To Meet Gary
And Misty I'll Be Back Until Dinner Ok Come
On Let's go See Gary We Went To The Oak Ranch House We Saw Gary and His Wife Misty When We're At His Wedding And Birth of His Kids Hey Gary and Misty Hey Ash What Are you Doing here I Just Come To
Visit You and Your family Or is it A Bad thing For you No You are welcome to visit
Is This Lara Yep Lara This is my friend and Rival Back in Kanto Region Hi Uncle Gary
Hi Lara How Are you Doing I'm Good Thanks Anyway Ash Can I Talk to you For a
Minutes Sure Gary But Can My Daughter play with Your Kids Sure Lara Go Play with
Kenny and Tamia Ok Daddy So What Do you want to talk About Well Do you Remember
About Misty's Behavior Yeah and Well I Went Home From Work And Misty Started Accusing me of Cheating on Her Did You Gary No I Would Never Cheat on Misty Then
Tell Me The Truth Gary and Don't Lie Ok
Ok It Started At Work My Job In Lumiose City Right Yes And Some Girls From Work
Starting Asking Me Out Did you Told Them
That You're Married to Misty Yes And They Refused to Listen I Even Told My Boss About
The Workers Behavior And He Believes Me So He Told The Workers Not To Flirt Me I Said
Thank The Lord That's Over But Then One Worker Keeps Stalking Me Trying to Get Me to
Have Sex With Her Gary Not Infront Of The Children Sorry And Misty Thinks I'm Cheated Her But I Didn't Cheated on Her Then Why Did She Ask You to Have sex with her Because She A Stalker and She Even Got
Me Fired That's Bad Yeah For me Now I Need to Find A Job That No Girls Will be Flirting me Have You Found A Job No I Sigh
What's Wrong Ash It's Just I Miss Him Who
My Dad I Made A Promise to Him That I Would Protect My Family After He Died You're Still Keep His Promise Ash I Know But Me And Yellow Keep Our Promise to Him But When She Took The Offer From The Studios Was Offering She Broke her Promise to him Well Is that What Were You
Telling Me About Arguments Yeah and It Involves My Kids Ash Did Misty Divorce You
No But She Will If I Was Cheating her Ok Have You Told Your Dad About It Yeah And did He Believes you Yeah Anyway How Did Your father Take After My Dad Died He Missed him And My Mom Too Well I Got to get going Serena Doesn't want to Miss Dinner Lara It's Time to go Home Ok Daddy
After My Talk with Gary My Daughter Was Asking Me About Being A Pokemon Master
I Said The Same Thing In My Time Why Do
You want to be A Pokemon Master Yes Daddy But You Have to Wait until You're 10
Years old Okay Daddy thanks Daddy Yes Did
You Told me that You Miss Him Who Grandpa Yes I missed him alot and Mommy
Told Me That Before I was Born Even She Told Me That you Were Depressed Daddy
Yeah Listen I'm Going to Tell you Why But
Can you Keep the secret Between us Yes Daddy Ok The Reason is that My Sister Your
Aunt Took The Offer That the Studios Offering And I was Really Angry That She
Broken Her Promise to Your Grandfather
She Didn't Came to My Wedding and Didn't Came to Your Mother's Baby Shower Daddy
What Promise Did you Made With Grandpa
That I Would Protect My Family When He Died Well Let's go Your Mom Is Waiting for us

Serena's POV
After Shopping with Michael We Went Home And Prepared Dinner For Our Family
Mom Did Dad Said That He Was Coming Back Yeah He Should Be Back now Hey Serena We're Home How's Your Day Good
But I Want to Talk You About Gary Ok Kids
Why Don't you Go To Your Room Until Dinner is Ready Okay Mommy Yes Mom As
Our Kids Went to Their Room What is It Ash
Gary Told Me About The Fight With Misty
What Was The Fight About Misty Thinks Gary's Cheating on her Did He No Gary Told
Me That The Worker That Got Him Fired Wants To Have S***x With Her Oh God Poor Gary There's More He Told Me That Misty
Wants A Divorce if He Does That Again and
Takes His Children With Her Anyway Let's Eat Ok Kids Dinner Ready Coming Mommy
Coming Mom We Sat And Eat Dinner(An;Upating next Chapter Adios)

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