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Ash's POV
After My Kids Grew Older We Went To Oak
Ranch For My Kids To Start on Their Journey Daddy Yes Lara Do You I Should Get
Squirtle I Think So And What About You Michael I Was Think Of Charmander Were
You Thinking of Me Having A Charizard Yes
Dad Ok Then Hi Ash How Are You Doing Fine Hi Lara and Michael Hi Uncle Gary How's Misty Doing She Fine Are you Guys Ready To Start Your Journey yes Daddy I Got
Starter From Kalos and Kantos Ohh Nice Where Did you Get Them Sycamore Sent Them to Kantos Because Serena's Mom Wants Give Them A Birthday Gift Really Grandma Grace Sent It For Us Yes She Wishes You Both Happy Birthday Thank you
I Wonder What Should I Pick Lara Does That
Pokemon Resembles Any Which one Daddy
The Fox Pokemon It Does Daddy Mommy
Told That She Had A Delphox When She was in Kalos Region That's Right Sweetie and I
Think She Likes Really Yeah Hi Would you Like to Come with me on A Journey Fen Fen
Fennkin Jumps on Lara's Shoulder Licked My Daughter Because She Was So Happy
Ok Michael Your Turn Ok Which One Should I Pick Dad It Too H for me Son Do you See
Any Pokemon That Resembles My Greninja Like Froakie Yep Hi Would you Like to Come
With Me On My Journey Froak Froak We Started Laughing Ok Come On Froakie Here's the Pokedex And Pokeball To Capture The Pokemon Thank You Gary Guys What Do You Say To Gary Thank You Uncle Gary Which Region Do You want to To Journey to Kalos Mom Said That She Was A Pokem Performer There And You Enter Pokemon League That's
True So You Want To Go To Kalos Region Yes
Okay I Already Booked a Flight for you Guys
So You Can Start Your Journey There Ok When We Got Home I Was Looking for Serena Serena yes Ash Where Are you I'm Outside What Are you Doing I Want To Get Some Fresh Air Your Mom Send A Present
From Kalos Really Yes Mommy Well What
Pokemon You Got Fennekin And Mine Is A Froakie Well You know They Reminds Us
When We were Your Age Really Yes Before
We Mom and Dad Can You tell How You meet Of Course We Met On Professor Oak's Summer Camp In Kantos I Help Her Up It's
True But Do You Guys Love Each other Of
Course We Do Then We Met Again in Kalos
Region Where Your Mom And I Started The
Journey I've Rescued Her From Team Rockets And Brainwashed Pokemon And
Then Do you know What Her Dream Was
What Tell Them Serena My Dream Was To
Become Pokemon Performer with Delphox Slytheon and Pancham After Pokemon League Your Father Won The League Against
Alain After Our Journey Was Over Your Father And I Went Our Separate ways You
Mean you Don't Love Each other No of Course We do What I'm Saying is I Flew To
Hoenn Region And Your Father Went Back
To Pallet Town To A New Journey Where Did You Go To The New Journey I Went to
Alola Region And Where I Met My Classmates You Were in School How Were Embarrassed In School Dad Very Embarasse
We Went To Kantos Region To Visit Professor oak After I Was Done With My
Journey In Alola Region After Winning The
Pokemon League And Your Mother Achieved
Her Dream Your mother and I Met Each other Again and We Confessed Each other
We Went On A Dates After Dates I Proposed to her I Said Serena Yvonne Will Marry Me
Did You Say Yes Mom Yes After Your Father
Proposed Me We Were Engaged to Get Married Do You Have a Wedding Photos
Yes We'll Show you I Went to Get The Photo
Album Went to the living Room And Showed
Our Kids The Photo of Our Wedding Here It

Ash's POV After My Kids Grew Older We Went To OakRanch For My Kids To Start on Their Journey Daddy Yes Lara Do You I Should GetSquirtle I Think So And What About You Michael I Was Think Of Charmander Were You Thinking of Me Having A Charizard YesD...

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Our Wedding Photos Wow Mom and Dad
You Guys Were So Happy Together And Here My Favorite Part What Is It The Day
You And Your Sister Were Born Really Yep
Let Me Show You

Is That Me And Lara Mom Yes Michael You And Lara Were The Happiest Day Of Our Life But Remember We Always Love You and Forget that Our Words Never Give up Until The End Well I Think We Should TakeYou To The Airport Your Flight Is 7 PM Ok After My ...

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Is That Me And Lara Mom Yes Michael You
And Lara Were The Happiest Day Of Our Life But Remember We Always Love You and Forget that Our Words Never Give up Until The End Well I Think We Should Take
You To The Airport Your Flight Is 7 PM
Ok After My Kids Pack Their Stuff We Head
To the Airport Are We Late No You're Here
Early Ok The Flight To Kalos is On Going Board Well It's Time for You To Go On A Journey Ok Bye Dad Bye Mom Take Of Lara
I Will Bye Son Bye Mommy Bye Daddy Bye My Little Girl After The Kids Went We Were
About Go until I Heard Daddy I Turn around Saw Lara What Wrong I Forgot to Give A Kiss Goodbye I Gave A Kiss Goodbye Lara
Your Brother is Waiting Get Going Ok Bye
After Our Kids Left Went Home And Invited
Our Moms To talk Them How Are The Twins
They're Fine Mom But Lara Wants To Follow
My Footsteps and Serena's Too And You're About Them Probably Yes Don't Worry About Them They'll Be Fine I Guess You're
Right After Our Mom Left Ash Yes Serena Do
You They'll Be Ok Our Mom Said They'll Be
Fine Ok I Believe Them We Kiss And Went
To See Our Friends From Different Regions
After Talking to Them We Went Home And
Go To Sleep It Was The Best Day Ever For Me
And My Wife And Kids My Life Was Perfect

The End

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