Chapter 5

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'This was really delicious,' Hoseok comments with a smile. Finally satiated, he allows himself to drop the fork on his plate and take the last sip of his drink. 

'My brother owns a restaurant,' Yoongi replies as a matter-of-fact. 'I've learnt some things from him.' 

'Thank you and your brother, Yoongi,' Namjoon joins before turning to Hoseok. 'So...'

'Yeah, I guess I should just tell you now.' Hoseok interferes before explaining the matter. 'Taehyung is out here somewhere and he's the new hot topic-'

'Yes, I know, hold on a moment. Hyung, will you please leave us alone for a minute? I'd really appreciate it and I'll clear the table too.'

Hoseok raises an eyebrow as he stares at the eldest. 'What? I'm sorry, doesn't he know?'

'Do I not know what?' Yoongi is quick to ask, his voice confused.

'No, he doesn't', Namjoon responds but Yoongi counters him.

'But I do. You just said that freaky kid is the new hot topic and our entire generation knows about him, which includes me too.' 

'That's not it, Yoongi,' Namjoon replies uneasily and stands up from his chair. 

'Sorry to bother you...' Hoseok shrugs apologetically and stands up too, ready to have Namjoon guide him to another room.

'Hey! I just gave you dinner and now you're acting so sneakily around me? You can tell all the police matter right in my face, I want to help and I'll be quiet about it,' Yoongi boldly replies. 'At least you, Namjoon, should know that I'm the last person to gossip!' he ends indignantly.

'Hyung, please just respect-'

'He's a telekinetic,' Hoseok blurts out in an instance.

Yoongi's eyes grow wider but he himself can't quite grasp this truth yet. He wouldn't even have believed it if it weren't for his roommate's dropped jaw and his frozen expression. Or the fact that Hoseok is pointing his finger unmistakenably at Namjoon.

Yoongi, slowly regaining his senses and movement, finally turns his parted lips into a clasped smile before letting out a nervous chuckle. The chuckle dies down amongst the silence painfully and Yoongi understands almost immediately that Hoseok has just dropped the truth like an unexpected bomb at everyone here.

'Uh, so...' his roommate tries to laugh it off as a last resort, 'Haha! That's enough jokes for today, let's quit that now.' 

He laughs audibly and hopes his friend will play along with him but poor Hoseok can't hide the guilt on his face after slipping the truth from his lips. Yoongi is quick to read their expressions and jumps up from his chair too.

'It wasn't a joke, huh?' his roommate claims accusingly. 'Your friend just said you're one of them! You're a Taehyung!'

'OK, OK, Yoongi,' the youngest tries to calm the eldest, his hands reaching out to him who's at the opposite side of the table. 'There's no need to panic, I'm still your friend.'

'No, stop it! Don't hold your hands toward me!' Yoongi screams as he stares at Namjoon's open palms, expecting the worst to happen to him. He stumbles backwards but immediately holds his chair to keep him from falling. 'Stay there! Hide your hands!'

'Yoongi, there's no need to panic!' Hoseok cries out, although it seems like he's about to start panicking himself too. How he's become a respected and beloved police officer is a mystery to everyone. 

Namjoon quickly hides his hands behind his back, although that's not where his powers lay. 'Yoongi, please calm down! I don't control things with my hands but with my eyes!' 

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