What do you think?
How I feel?
I torture myself and you?
You're just playing with my feelings...
You're just player..
That's who you are...
You're just playing with other girls..
Like with me..
I love you
But I hate you in the same time..
What should I do?
Should I get over you?
Or should I take care of you more?
I really don't know what should I do..
I don't want much...
I just want your attention..
I want that, you'll have eyes just for me..
Anybody else...
Just me and you..
Is that even possible?..
Probably not...
Because there's other girls too..
That's not me and you..
That's everybody
So... I'll get over you..
BUt not now
RandomSlovensko-anglické zápisky, ktoré sú mnou prežité. Sesternica povedala, že sú veľmi pekné, takže som sa rozhodla ich sem dať. Aj keď ich nikto nebude čítať, chcem to zo seba dať všetko von aby všetci vedeli, že chalani vedia byť manipulatívni a zlí...