We Meet For the First Time

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The bell still echoes and we part our ways.

"See you later, dudes."

"Alright, see ya later DJ."

I make my way off the field and to the hallway. I'm really busy in my thoughts. I can't wait for break, Chris, the gang, and I are going to play football. I continue my way through the hallway, my head in the clouds.


I continue through the hallway. I dig through my binder to find my schedule that came in the mail a week ago. I find the paper and yank it out of my binder. I'm busy looking at my schedule, not paying much attention to the people around. There's not that many people anyways.

I'm walking and then something runs into me. I'm on the floor, as well as my binder with papers everywhere.


"Ouch. Aww shit, my papers."

I look up from the floor I'm sprawled on to find who the voice belonged to. It's a girl with dirty blonde hair and a freckled face. I get up really fast.

"I'm so sorry, let me help you."



I look up to see the person who ran into me. It's a boy with black hair and brown eyes.

He handed me some papers and I shoved them in my binder.

"Thanks. Sorry about that."

"No I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention."

We picked up the rest of the papers and I put them back in my binder.

We go our separate ways and I continue to my first class.


Man I need to watch where I'm going. I probably just made that girl almost late for her first class. You see, I can't talk to girls without making a disaster.

I start thinking about the situation. She was really forgiving. If only I knew her name. I totally forgot to ask.

I think about the freckled girl. She had nice brown eyes. Her hair was nicely brushed. She was kinda pretty, I guess. A girl like her wouldn't think much of me any way. She's probably popular.

I make it to my first class and find a seat. I hope I can get the girl off my mind so I can concentrate.

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