Episode 4: Converging

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A body flies far down the hall after the roaring sound of a blast.

"BOOYA!" Cyborg shouts as he draws back his laser arm cannon. A soft click is let out as Cyborg's arm began to break down and reshape into his normal hand. The amazon he blasted away groans with slight pain as she lays there slipping into unconsciousness. The propulsion blasts were so much more satisfying than his normal light beam setting.

"You're enjoying this way too much Cy!" Gar cries as he tries his best to hold his ground in a hand lock. The amazon grunts as she begins to overtake Gar. His large hairy arms begin to shrink back down the more that his opponent began to lean in closer. The sound of a vigorous running pace sounded out from beside them, drawing both of their attention away. Cyborg manages to quickly tackle the amazon to the ground. He keeps a tight grip on her as his chest releases a small square compartment under his sweater. Blue light emits along with an electric buzz. The woman shrieks loudly before quickly subsiding to unconsciousness.

Cyborg hops to his feet and stretches in a gleeful manner. Gar leans over and grabs his own knees before gasping for air. He takes in deep unsteady breaths and looks about at their mayhem. He let's off a sigh before slowly standing up. Cyborg jogs over to Gar and holds out an airborne hand.

"That... Is.... Not- worth a high five..." Gar grunts as he begins to regain his breath. Cyborg chuckles and rubs the back of his head.

"Sorry beasty! Being up in the Watchtower really built up a lot of energy. Guess this was an outlet that I didn't even know was possible." Cyborg awkwardly chuckles causing Gar to smile a bit.

"Glad you got that out of your system! Now let's get out of-"

The large pair of doors dividing the dungeon hall from the rest of the palace were nearly knocked off their hinges with a deafening crash. Fully armored amazonian guards rush in armed with large shields and long, perfectly tipped spears. They march in a circular formation around a woman cladded in glistening golden robes. Cyborg and Gar tense up at the sight of the imposing woman. The two exchange worried glances before the surrounding soldiers stand in a new formation that blocks all exits around them.

"Impressive. You two managed to go toe to toe with esteemed warriors that are tasked with keeping intruders like you imprisoned. That goes to show you what kind of monsters that wash up on our shore." The gleaming woman states aloud in a strong tone.

"Dude... I think that's Diana's mom!" Cyborg whispers excitedly with a hand cupped around one side of his mouth. The attempt to direct his quiet words towards Gar failed.

"You stand before Hippolyta, queen of the Amazons. Your acts against my sisters would normally be a crime that'd be met with immediate execution. But you have gained my attention through your skill in combat, state your purpose for being here and a single wish." Hippolyta slowly began to untie the rope sash at her waist that had kept her robes closed. Cyborg and Gar blush lightly from the sight of her actions. Gar stepped forward and awkwardly twiddles his fingers.

"Well you see.. Mrs. Hippolyta, this is all one big misunderstanding. I didn't mean to turn up in your home. It was an accident, and my friend here came to get me. My- our only wish is for you to let us leave as soon as possible. We promise to never return." Gar desperately states. Hippolyta pauses momentarily before smiling confidently.

"My, my, what a well spoken man. It's incredibly rare for me to see your sort." She smiles kindly causing Gar and Cyborg to look forward with hopeful anticipation. Suddenly the robe slips off and piles up around Hippolyta's ankles.
"Your wish will be granted, once I see what potential you both hold!" A haunting clang of metal rang out as Hippolyta strikes her metal wrist bands together. Light glistens against her freshly revealed armor. The lack of full leg and arm coverage showed that she preferred a very loose, free flowing fighting style.

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