Chapter 20

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"Sooyoung- ah..."

My breath hitched the moment my name came out from his mouth.

"I'm sorry..." he said. "... I'm sorry if I shocked you about my confession and I'm sorry for only contacting you now after it happened. I was scared of your reaction. I was scared what will you say. I was scared that everything will be ruined between us"

I bit my lower lip to stop it from trembling. The tears in my eyes are threatening to fall.

"But Sooyoung... " he took my clasped hands "... I'm not sorry that I confessed to you"

"You... Do you really like me?" I asked.

"Yes. I like you"

I swallowed the lump on my throat. "But it's not yet a year since we became close. Maybe you're j-just m-mistaken"

My voice broke and a tear escaped from my eye. I still avoided an eye contact and glued my eyes on the ground.

"Do you think I just like you now?"

"W-what do you mean?"

"Sooyoung... I have like you since Baekhyun-hyung introduced you to me"

My head snapped in his direction, eyes wide. "But that was five years ago!"


I shooked my head. "No. That's impossible"

He went closer to me. "It is possible"

"No!" I shouted. "It is impossible! Five years has passed! Many things has happened! How could you still possibly like me?"

My tears are flowing down my cheeks. He wiped it and cupped my cheeks. I look at him in the eyes.

How? How can he like me for the passed five years? How can a Kim Taehyung like me for that long?

" Why can't you believe me? " His voiced is hoarse.

I sniffed. "Because it's unbelievable"

Because it's not easy to believe that we feel the same way for the passed five years

"Remember when Baekhyun-hyung introduced us towards each other? I was frozen on my spot that time. I was starstruck by your face. You were smiling brightly at me. And when our hands touch, I feel the butterflies in my stomach. Everytime we see each other, you will smile at me. We became friends. You make me smile when you smile, you make laugh when you laugh. And then I found myself liking you as a woman. But then one day, you change. You distance yourself from me. And then the next thing I knew, everything between us ended. It hurts me. I always watch you from a far. At that time, I thought I won't be given a chance to talk to you. But I was wrong. My members helped me. They helped me get close to you. And I promise to myself that I will never ever let you go, again"

By the time he finished talking, I'm already a crying mess. I look down and cried. After hearing everything, I don't know what to say. I didn't know.

"I'm sorry" was all I could say to him. "I'm so sorry"


"I'm s-sorry. I am r-really s-orry"

"Shhh... Look at me. Look at me, Sooyoung-ah"

He cupped both of my cheeks and make me look at him. His eyes are red and I saw a tear escaped from his eyes.

What have I done?

"I don't know what are you saying for but please, don't ever say sorry to me because you're not at fault. It was my fault for liking you even it's wrong."

I shook my head.

Where did it go all wrong?

My mind's a mess. I don't know what to think. I don't know what to do. What should I do?

I cried harder. I feel his arms wrapped around my shaking body and pulled me closer to me. He's hugging me and trying to hush me.

"Sooyoung-ah.. Stop crying p-please" his voice broke and I feel something wet on my shoulder.

He's crying. He's crying because of me.

"I understand if you can't decide right now. Don't force yourself. I can wait, Sooyoung-ah. I even waited for five years, I can still wait for more weeks or months. Just please don't cry"

His hugged tighten and I raised my arms to hugged him back.

We stayed like that until we started to feel a little better. I also stopped crying but still sniffing. Taehyung is stroking my back while my head rested on his shoulder.

"You okay?" he asked.

I just hummed in response. I close my eyes, savoring the moment. I'm still thinking what should I do. I'm still a mess inside.

He broke the hugged and stare at me. He grinned and pinched my nose.

"Your face is puffy." I pouted "I'll just go get some water for you"

He was about to stand up when I stopped him by holding his hands.

"I'm sorry"

He sighed and seated again. "I told you, don't say sorry to me"

I shook my head. "I have to say sorry. I'm sorry because for what happened five years ago."

"Is this your way of rejecting me?"

"No! Of course not! I just want to explain my side"

I inhaled deeply and exhaled. "The reason why I ended our friendship five years ago is because of the rumors going on. At that time, both of our fans noticed our closeness and spreading rumors about us dating. I was so scared that time. We just debuted and if one of us were caught in dating rumors, it can destroy our career. That's why our manager told me to distance myself from you and that's what I did. Since then, as mush as possible, I distance myself away from male idols. For me and for our group. But I didn't know that by doing that, I hurt you. And I'm sorry. I'm so sorry"

There. I said it. Everything.

"You don't have to say sorry. You did what you thought was right and I understand you. So stop saying sorry to me. Hmm? Can you promise me?"


"No more buts. Now stop crying okay?"

He showed me his rectangular smile and I can't but to smile.

"Okay, I will stop crying now"

I wiped my tears. I must look ugly crying in front of him.

"That's good. Now give me hug"

He spread his arms and I can't help but to giggle. But I comply anyway. He squished me in the hug.

I'm glad we're okay now...

"But Sooyoung, I have a last question...."

"What is it?" I asked and the next thing he said made me frozen in my spot.

"Do you, by chance, like me back?"


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