Soulless Sam

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                         I sighed while looking at the photos of Sam, Dean, And myself , god do I miss Sam. Sam and I were in a relationship before he threw himself into hell. Once the earth closed up I fell to my knees crying. Dean wasn't much help as the days passed , he drank and brought girls to his hotel room next door to mine. A week after Sam went to hell Dean stopped bringing girls and instead went to Lisa's. I was alone and it hurt. I took one last glance at the photos and threw them into the raging fire. I was burning everything that reminded me of Sam. I thought maybe it would help clear my mind because my thoughts are always centered around him, its 24/7. 

             It didn't help at all I swore I kept seeing him while I was on hunts, I would just get tiny little glances of him and it nearly killed me. It got so bad that I was willing to make a deal. I summoned a crossroads demon and it turned out to be Crowley. "Please make me emotionless. I don't want to feel anymore." "Why would I want to do that darling? You were Sams plaything and if something hurts you it hurts him and that entertains me." he says and leaves. I don't understand nothing can hurt Sam , he's dead. 

           Its been a year since I've seen Dean and Sam. I mostly drink now , I hunt when I feel  reckless, like right now. I got a lead on a vamp nest in Iowa and I'm on my way now. My phone rings so i answer it. "Hello?" "Y/n?" "Dean?" "Yea thank god you answered this is the third number ive tried." "What do you want?" "Sam's back from hell." I suck in a sharp breath. "He wants to talk to you." This causes me to hang up. I don't know if this is how Dean got his rocks off now but this isn't funny. I've finally stopped caring and then Dean calls. 

         After i'm finished with the hunt I go back home to my apartment. I turn my phone on silent and blast my music. I was in the middle of Wanted dead or alive when I hear my door being kicked open. I grab my gun and hide in my closet. I hear footsteps and people talking. I couldn't make out the voices because my music was to loud. I stood still and steadied my breathing when the closet door slowly opened. I ran out and put my gun to the intruders temple. "Dean?" "Hiya Y/n mind removing the gun from my head?" He said with a nervous laugh. I shoved him away and held out my gun. "What are you doing here?" "Sammy she's in here." He yells as I get closer.

        I hear another set of footsteps and looked up to see Sam in my door way. "I told ya he wanted to see you." "Whats wrong with him?" "What do you mean?" Dean asked and furrowed his brow. "I mean that there's something wrong with him. He looks empty." "Oh yea he's soulless." Dean said shrugging. I pointed my gun at Sam and Deans eyes widened in alarm. "Whoa there partner lets calm down." "You all need to leave." I say looking at Sam. "Why?" This time it's Sam that asks. "You seem to be the only person I care about, I don't want anything to happen to you." "Dean get him out of here before I start shooting."

             Dean looks at me and shoos Sam away. "Look I know you're scared but you are the only thing that he cares about, hell he let me turn into a vampire and told me that he doesn't care.  I told him that you were going to a vamp nest and he freaked." "How did you know i was going to a nest?" "We were going on that hunt when I called and Sam tracked your phone." "Dean I spent a year trying to get over him and now he just waltzes back into my life thinking that everything is ok but its not."  Dean sighs. "Im sorry I gotta do this so he doesn't freak." Dean says and something hits my head causing everything to go black.

part 2?

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