This is the story of Amiya Nnaji, a 16 year old high schooler living in Kingston, Jamaica.
Follow her on her journey; learning how to deal with puberty, fake friendships, betrayals, love & self awareness.
The tamarind month of January has ended - finally it was so long to me.
My mom told me that her mother; my granny described January as tamarind season for it seems like a very long month and people normally have financial woes this time of year. You know, after the holiday spending and all, it normally sets people back. However I have never experienced anything like that in my family however my mother did when she was younger. Jennifer should be returning at school today and i am excited to see her. I've missed her.
I walked into the bathroom after school ends only to see a girl standing in the mirror applying makeup to a swollen, red eye. However her tears wash away the face powder she applies to cover up the bruised eye. My heart sinks as emotions take me over, I am sad- No - fucking filled with rage. I walked over and touch the lost hurt girl on her shoulder.
"Jenn, are you okay?" I asked worriedly, however she sniffles and gives no answer. "Was it Mr Carter?" she nods her head confirming same. What a big stretched out pussy! As she turns to face me, a tear escapes from my eye, I quickly wiped it away. I cannot be weak right now, I have to be strong for my friend. Jenn hugs me and starts to cries loudly, I hugged her back. "Please, tell me what happen?" I begged.
"I am pregnant Ami, it's for Mike - Mr Carter"
"What?!" I mean I've heard the talk around school but I thought it was just that of a rumour. "Who did you tell this? Does your mom know?"
"Just you. Mira suspects something but I don't know" she replied as I looked at her face once more, how could he attack her like this? "He wants me to get an abortion, I told him no. We had a screaming match in the music room and he did this" pointing to her eye.
"Weh the bloodclat him deh?" I said angrily.
"He is still in the music room. What are you going to do?"
"I don't know yet" I said honestly "Stay here, I will be back shortly" I hurriedly walked to the music room.
I swung the door open and walked into the room only to see the piece of shit Mr Carter sitting around the desk that he would normally fuck Jenn on. Disgusting. He stood up to meet me and walked towards me. Eyeing me from head to toe, the way he normally does. That sleaze ball. He was too close for comfort so I stepped and he stepped forward until my back was against the wall. I swallowed hard, my heart raced and I was afraid of what might happen - very afraid.
"Amiya, why are you here beautiful girl?" his hot breathe smelling of liquor blows down in my face as he spoke.
"Why did you hit Jenn? You fucking piece of shi-" he then hovers one of his index finger over my lips, gesturing me to be quiet. "You are really a sorry pathetic excuse for a man Mr Carter" I continued.
"Wow, you are even fierier when you're mad? I like it when you're mad Amiya. Go on continue you little sexy school girl"
"You are sick, move from in front of me!" Mr Carter didn't listen to my instructions and instead he lifts his hand and moved my hair from my face pushing it behind my ear. I swat his hand away and gently push him from being so close to me.
"I have always wanted you but Jenn got in the way of that throwing herself at me. But Amiya-" Mr Carter then braces me on the wall pinning his body over my small frame and moves his lips towards mine while running his free hand up my school skirt caressing my leg. I blinked a couple of times, this was all too surreal.
"I have always wanted you too" I spoke, playing the game so I could get out of that room before he rapes me. I placed my hands upon his shoulders, flashing a smile and then kicked him in the groin area. He steps back stumbling and holding his crotch.
"You... fucking... bitch" he yells between breaths, while I ran out the room to find Jenn leaving him in agonizing pain.
"Jenn, grab your bags we need to go. Now please" I screamed, as I picked up my book bag and tears started to fall from my eyes. "I should've have went in there Jenn, he touched my leg and try to... he tried..." I couldn't even say it. "We need to tell someone. The guidance councillor, our parents, the police, someone Jenn!"
"No, he is my baby father I will do no such thing. I love him Amiya!"
"Why? All he does is hurt you Jenn. Gal are you fucking serious right now?! That man will kill you if you allow him too. How could you be so stupid. I will be telling my parents" I said and walks away, but she pulls me back.
"I will tell my mom, this month end. Please do not say anything yet. Promise me that you won't"
I sighed and roll my eyes "I promise. But if you don't I swear to God. I will!" Jenn nods and I felt awful. My best friend is pregnant for an abusive man who is also her teacher.
"I should have listened to you Ami. You warned me about him and I didn't listen. I don't want to get an abortion, suppose I died while doing the procedure" Jenn sobs.
"God forbids that! Don't speak like that" I hushed her and hugged her. "Wipe your tears and put your sunglasses on, Mr B will be coming for me at any moment. Please stay at my house tonight?"
"Sure. I don't want to be alone tonight. I could use some encouraging words and laughter" Jenn said quietly.
My parents weren't home when we got in so no one saw Jenn's swollen eye. Jenn and I watched a movie, ate pizza and she told me about the time she spent with her grandmother in Trinidad. I filled her in about my relationship with Dmitry and the New Year's Eve Gala. It was a great night. If she had stuck with my brother Jr, none of this would of happen. I know he would of been careful - careful enough to not get her pregnant and he would have never put his hands on her. Jenn hurt Jr so badly, they havent spoke in months and neither of them told me why they broke up. Well come to think of it, I have never asked why they split. Jennifer always used to tell Mrs Macdonald thats she's coming to my slumber parties at my house almost every night just to sleep in Jr's room. Jr is a ladies' man but when he and Jenn started to date he became a one lady man.
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"Mylikklethingthing <3Jenn" by:Nnaji.JahJr. ++MacMac.Jenn 108 likes 1341 loves 678 fans 326 days ago
That night I decided to be a friend to Jenn. Whatever decision she made as it relates to her pregnancy, I would stand behind her 110% even if I don't agreed with it.