Chapter 1

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The day started out the same as most days, dreary, the grime in the air was too thick to even be able to see the sky, but you could tell the sun was not in our favor. You could call what was once America, post apocalyptic and you'd be right, but it wasn't a fancy post apocalyptic world with cool zombie battles, no it was a post apocalyptic world where the government had gone crazy kind of apocalypse.

They went to crazy lengths to make sure everyone was perfect, you couldn't be too fat, or too skinny, you had to have your hair a certain way, it was all around crazy, and if you weren't up to their standard you'd be sent to what they called the slums, a dirty stinky place where all you did was work.

You're probably wonder why I'm here, well here's why, both my parents had worked for the government so you'd think I'd be pretty safe the only problem is I wasn't planned, my parents never wanted a child but then I came along and my parents were very against abortion, they had even tried to get bills summit to try to make it illegal, so abortion was out of the question, they were just going to put me up for adoption but the word about my mom being pregnant spread faster then they hoped for, but in this new world you couldn't be perfect if you weren't planned or what most people call it a mistake.

My parents never really got close to me, I think it's because they knew what was going on and didn't want to be too close when they had to send me away but it was hard being a single child without getting any love from your parents. This all started because election time came around and they elected a president that seemed pretty perfect, but don't judge a book by its cover, he was impeached after only a few months because of some dirty work he had on the side, his vice president seemed like a nice guy, boy were we wrong. He had only be President for about four months before he started to change everything he could, and after about a year he had changed everything he didn't like that was, there was still a few laws he kept but not many, he made it so he could be President until he died, which you'd think most people would oppose but he had promised some really great things I guess. I wouldn't know I was only five at the time.

I get ripped out of my thoughts as I hear my name being yelled through the door of my supervisors office. I look up to see Mat, he was like the bus boy, nice enough guy if you got him on a good day

"Molly Rhinestone report to the supervisor officer immediately!"

I groan to myself but I knew better then to disobey orders especially if you wanted to kept your job, there were a lot of people in the slums so competition was fierce.

I walked into my supervisors office not knowing what to expect

"please take a set Ms. Rhinestone"

He said with I sickly sweet grin, I've had many supervisors but he was definitely the worst.

"Thank you sir, may I ask why I was called in here?"

He's grin faded slightly, guess he's the kind of guy who doesn't like to be asked question

"I was hoping you could show the new guy around"

He gestured to a guy standing in the corner of the room, I seriously don't know how I didn't see him but I could tell he was new. He gave me a blank stare as I looked back at the supervisors while trying to put on my best smile

"of course I can sir!"

I looked back over to the new guy trying to figure out why he was here


My supervisor yelled which caused me to jump slightly

"that will be all Ms. Rhinestone have a good day, don't be afraid to drop by from time to time"

He said with a slight look of lust in his eyes. I thanked him then hurried to stand up and leave before he could say anything else with the new guy on my tail, I don't think he wanted to hear anymore either.

We walked down the stairs back onto the factory floor in silence. I knew how he probably felt, we had all felt that why here once at least. He's eyes darted over the factory floor with a look of fear so I decided to break the silence

"what machine did he say you would be working?"

He jumped, I guess he wasn't expecting me to say anything to him

"ummm I think he said the presser?.. "

He mumbled quietly, that's were most of the beginners went until they were moved up to harder more deadly thing.

We walk all the way to the back until we got to a door that said "THE PRESSER ROOM" where you could hear the loud sounds of the machines, I looked over at the new guy and I could tell her was afraid

"it's not as scary as it sounds, I promise"

I said while opening the door and walking in.

There was only two other people in there, I had seem them around but I didn't really knew either of them. I walked over to a different door and knocked hard. A tall semi decent guy came out and looked at me with a big smile

"how can I help you Molly?"

He's name was Zack, he was a nice guy and he had been here longer then anyone

"I have a new guy for you to train"

I gestured to the guy next to me

"fresh meat"

Zack smiled while saying, you should have seemed the look of fear on the new guys face

"oh be nice Zack"

Zack walked over to him and looked at me

"I can take it from here Molly"

"If you say so"

I walked to the door and was just about to leave when I turned back around

"what was your name?"

The new guy looked at me and said kinda timidly


I once knew someone named Adam

"well nice to meet you Adam, I'll be seeing you around"

I closed the door and walked back to my station and waited until lunch.

-----------------Author's notes------------------

Hi guys! This is my first story and I hope you'll like it! Please leave feedback so I know what to change or make better!!

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