Chapter 3

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I walked outside and I instantly started to sweat, it was a hot summers day, the only way I know is we get all the trash from the so-called perfect states and we have a calendar in my little house like thing, I already wanted to go back inside, it wasn't that cool in there but it was definitely better than out here I can promise you that much.

I started to walk to the butcher's, it was about a forty minute walk there and back, the butcher was a really nice guy, a little shady though, but I didn't mind, he has always been like an uncle to me and that probably why the supervisor wanted me to go. You could hear that sounds of dogs barking and children cry and the crunch of something under my feet, I don't want to know what it is. I pull my old mp3 player out of my pocket and put in one earbud in, you never know who's going to come up behind you, you can find all kinds of cool things in the trash around certain area's, I put it on shuffle and listened to whatever came on, I wasn't picky when it came to music, I felt like I had been walking forever but I finally got to the butcher's. I took my earbud out and turned my mp3 player off and walked inside

"Is that my favorite niece is see?"

"Who else would it be?"

We both smiled and laughed, he really was like an uncle to me, he always seemed to make me smile even at the worst of time

"What can I do for you kiddo?"

My uncle asked while going back to cutting what he called meat

"My boss wanted me to give you something"

He stops cutting of a second then once he composes himself he continues cutting

"And what was that?"

He asked in a harsh tone, I wasn't kidding when I said they didn't like each other but oh well

"Just a piece of paper, I tried to read it but I got in trouble and they told me it was top secret, sounds kinda childish to me"

I slid the piece of paper over to him and waited to see if he'd take it or not but it seemed like he wasn't going to.

"Ya going to take the paper?"

"In due time"

Well that was sassy I thought to myself but he always had a little sass to him, I guess my aunt had heard my voice because she came out of the back with a huge smile

"Look who it is! Where have you been girly I've missed you!"

I walked over to my aunt and gave her a big hug slightly being crushed by her

"What are you doing here? Or did you just want to come visit your favorite aunt and uncle?"

I giggled

"I'm here because my boss wanted me to give something to uncle, though he won't open it and I got in trouble with work for trying"

I stick my tongue out at my uncle in a playful manner and he did the same back

"Well if he won't open it I will"

My aunt walked over and snatched the paper, my uncle looked at her from the corner of his eye and laughed while shaking his head, my aunt had always done what she wanted and that's why my uncle loved her

"Oh honey! It's a invitation to a party! And it's tonight! When's the last time we went to a party oh it'd be so fun! Can we go please? I have some money saved that should be enough to go get a nice new dress and you a suit, oh please honey!"

My uncle sighed and put his knife down

"Would it really make you happy if we did?"

My aunt lit up like a Christmas tree, she was smiling ear from ear

"Oh thank you honey!"

She kissed his on the cheek and ran into the back, I looked at my uncle and l laughed. I looked at the clock over his head and saw the work day was almost over

"I hate to cut our visit short but I really should get going"

"Well if you must leave then you must leave, but come visit more often, me and your aunt miss you"

"I definitely will try, you know how work is"

He grumbled, he used to be the supervisor and so he knew how crazy it was for the works, that's one of the reasons he left is because he couldn't deal with knowing he was working people to the bone of less then minimum wage

I walked over to my uncle and hugged him and yelled goodbye to my aunt, I walked out to the door and turn around to wave at my uncle then walked out heading back to work.

It was getting dark and that was the worst time to be out walking around alone but I had no choice, I know my aunt and uncle would have let me stay the night there but my mom and dad would be worried, and knowing my grandma she'd be out looking for me, that woman was crazy but that's why I loved her. I hear something behind me that sounded like foot steps which is never a good sign, I as casually as possible, reached into my pocket to get my knife and hide it in front of me, I heard them speeding up and before I knew it there was an arm around my neck, I was able to elbow them in the stomach causing them to let go and stumble back, they pulled out a small blade and pointed it at me, I just laughed

"What's so funny bitch?"

"That's all you got? You have to be fucking with me right?"

He lunged at me but I dodged and plunged my knife deep into his side causing him to fall and grip his side, I bent down over him

"You done or do you want to play more?"

He just moaned and grumbled

"That's what I thought asshole"

I kicked him before walking away

"You'll regret this"

"Not the first time I've heard that but ok"

I found an old cloth and whipped his blood off my knife and threw the rag onto the top of a trash pile knowing no would find it and if they did they wouldn't question it, we all know better then to, I had too blood on my hands, we all do, that's just our sad pitiful life's, my sad pitiful life....

-----------------Author's notes------------------

Sorry it took me awhile to finish this chapter life is crazy, but hopefully the  next part will be out sooner!!

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