Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

(I've changed Hermione Narcissa Riddle to Estella Phoebe Riddle, incase your all freaking out)

'Her name is Estella, Estella Phoebe Riddle she should be around... 16 years old'

'Where was she placed after Professor Dumbledore took her?' Hermione questioned.

'She was placed with two muggles, and raised in their ways, then when she was eleven she was sent to Hogwarts' he stated a hint of de taste could be heard when the word muggle was spoken.

'Then she would have been in my year!, was she a Slytherin? I bet she was! Do I know her?' Hermione theorized.

'Actually, she is a Gryffindor, and a mighty strong one at that. We are very proud of her, smartest witch of her age, and well youknow her very well' Tom said pointedly.

Confused Hermione stared at the man, her eyebrows pinched together in thought, sudden realization dawned upon her face, eyes widened in shock, mouth dropped open. Staring at Tom Riddle in complete and utter shock.

'Me?, that's-s me!' She mumbled to herself looking down at her lap.

'I know it's a lot to take in love but-' he started

'A lot to take in!, heck yeah it is!, I can't be, that's impossible!' She hollered, shaking her head back and forth.

'Young lady you keep quiet your mother and sister are sleeping!' Tom scolded the girl in a very dad like voice

She narrowed her eyes at him

'Quiet!? You want me, to be quiet! For all I know your probably lying to me, trying to brain wash me into some pawn for you to use!' She hissed

'Oh so you think I'm lying then, how about now!' He said waving his wand in her direction and the direction off his wife, sending her into the bedroom over. A sudden howl of pain was heard from Hermione as she was changed back into her original body.

Curling up into the fetal position, hissing in pain Hermione rocked back and forth on the bed.

Hearing the sound of the door opening behind him and the rush of a cape, he turned to his left spotting Severus Snape, a mix between a look of pain and horror written on his face. Looking at Severus, Tom understood and nodded at him to go over to Hermione.

Rushing over to the girl Severus scooping her up into his arms, he turned to Tom looking at him, he nodded then rushed out of the room and taking her to his. Tom looked at the two as they passed, then and headed for the door knowing his daughter was in good hands.

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