Chapter two - fuck or be fucked

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Dean (POV)

"I'm guessing you've heard of us?" Gabriel said smirking at me.

"You may have been mentioned." I retorted back but I knew I looked a lot more confident then I felt.

"I see, that means that you know the rules I suppose?"

"I heard something about some rules." I glanced over at Balthazar who had a hand on his forehead and was looking between me and the two Novak brothers in shock and horror. I looked back at Gabriel who's face had split into an even bigger grin. He opened his mouth to say something else but his brother put a hand on his shoulder. Gabriel spun around to face him and Castiel opened his mouth to speak. I was expecting his voice to come out rough and harsh due to the way he looked but his voice was not rough and harsh but more deep and gravelly. It sounded... Kind.

"Gabriel, he's new. He didn't know who we were and I'm sure he won't make the same mistake twice." The man looks at me and raises an eyebrow. He looks me up and down and looks deep into my eyes. His blue eyes are piercing and almost hypnotic. "Am I right?"

"Yes'sir." I mumble and nod and he turns away from me and carries on towards the kitchen where we collect our food. The smaller golden haired boy glares at me and sneers.

"You got lucky this time newbie, lucky that Castiel obviously likes the look of you." I look at him in confusion but before I can ask he turns on his heel and walks away from me. I let out a breath of air I didn't know I was holding and turned back to Balthazar and Sammy and grinned. Balthazar slapped me around the head and said;

"You stupid idiot. Did you not listen to anything I told you?"

"Sure I did, but how was I supposed to know that they were the Novaks?"

"You're in deep shit now, Gabriel won't let that go and neither will Cas. He may have stuck up for you this time but when he's in a foul mood he's going to take it out on you." Balthazar warns and I just shrug, looking around to see the inmates were all still staring at me. Some were grinning and some looked like they were ready to jump me but I didn't care all that much. "You have their attention now, they have probably hired someone to go looking up your name, you family, your he and were you right this second."

We carried on down the line and finally got our food. Me, Balthazar, Sammy and one of Balthazar's friends who everyone nicknamed Lucifer all sat down on a table. We all sit there chatting but I can't help but glance to the side of me at where the Novaks are sitting. I look at the blue eyed man only to find him already looking at me. I'm about to look back down at my tray of food, wanting to avoid eye contact but I can't. I'm unable to move my gaze from the boy so i just sit there, staring at him. Castiel raises an eyebrow at me and smirks so I gulp and finally am able to avert my gaze back to my table. We carry on talking and finally we are able to go outside for a breath of fresh air and a cigarette. Sam went to the gym instead seen as he doesn't smoke but Balthazar came out with me.

"You were so lucky today, I thought they were going to kill you." Balthazar says lighting up his cigarette.

"You could have warned me that they skip the queue, I hate people like that. That think they can just do anything and get away with it." I mutter and Balthazar rolls his eyes.

"Well get used to it princess." He laughs and walks away from me. I think about following him but instead I just sit on the steps of the prison courtyard and carry on smoking. A group of men were looking over to me and for a moment I thought they were going to be coming over, that is until I realised they weren't looking at me at all, but in fact at the person right behind me.

"you've got a bit of a gob on you, haven't you?" I hear someone whisper, or more growl into my ear. I jump up and spin round quickly to find Castiel standing there, hands in his pockets and a fag hanging out of his mouth.


"I also," he starts strolling down the stairs and takes the cigarette out of his mouth. "Saw you staring at me in the lunch hall."

"You were staring first." I snap and he raises and eyebrow at me and smirks.

"You honestly don't know who you're talking to do you? Anybody else wouldn't dare say something like that to me."

"I know exactly who I'm talking too. What's wrong, huh? Why are you in here? Is your big brother grounding you or something?" I don't know why I was trying to piss this guy off, all he's done to me was skip in front of me in a line but I think the reason why I was trying to start at argument with him was to prove to everyone that they didn't need to be scared of scumbags like these.

"You're pushing it." Castiel growls and now it's my time to smirk.

"Oh dear, did I hit a nerve?" With that Castiel grabs my jumpsuit and pushes me against the wall, leaning in close and getting right up in my face.

"You don't know anything about my family, you don't know anything about my life and you don't know anything about me! I hear you say anything about my brother again I swear..."

"You'll kill me? Go ahead. You're in the best place for it." I spit

"Oh no, I wouldn't kill you. That's too easy. I'd kill that little brother of yours. Samual Winchester? Tall guy, long hair? Oh yeah... I'd kill him and I'd do it right in front of you- watching you cry and squirm knowing that you could have helped him but you were too much of a dick to keep your mouth shut."

"If you touch a hair on my little brothers head I'll rip out your spinal cord!" I growl angrily and the blue eyed man just smiles.

"You don't talk about my family, I won't hurt yours." He says simply and takes a slow drag from his cigarette and blows the smoke into my face. "Nice to meet you Mr Winchester, I'm sure we will be seeing a lot more of each other."

"I doubt it." I sneer

"Oh you do, do you? Well we will see about that. Oh and remember the rules kid, fuck or be fucked." He winks, grins and walks off away from me. Why did he remind me of his stupid rules? What has that got to do with anything? I hate this place. I hate the food, I hate the beds and I hate the Novaks. Especially the one with blue eyes.

A/N: finally updated! Wow, much busy, so work, very party! Hope you guts enjoyed!

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