3. Awkward

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I wanted to just ignore him, pretend I was busy with something else, but I couldn't do it. He knew I wasn't busy, sitting only two feet away from me and locking his dark eyes on mine.


Jay cleared his throat and I looked over at him, his eyes still pleading with me.

"I can't." I monotoned, staring blankly at Daniel. "I actually have to stay an hour later."

When I glanced back at Jay, he sent me a relief filled smile that made the corners of his eyes crinkle, causing me to unconsciously smile as well.

Such cute dimples...

"Why's that?" Daniel interrupted our little moment, making me snap my head back in his direction and frown. "We have plans."

My breathing spiked entirely too high, and I began to feel lightheaded. I think I'm hyperventilating. Oh God, oh God. I so don't want to do this.

About that time, Jay stepped up beside me, bracing himself against the counter while causally facing me.

Please, please save me Jay. I pleaded silently.

"Because she's helping fill in. We don't have anyone else to come in until I clock out, and I owe her dinner." He grinned victoriously, making Daniel bob his head in disappointment.

I couldn't help but feel relieved, my breathing slowing back down, but my nerves were still shot. What were these men doing to me? Is this social anxiety or something? Oh no, I haven't had this since elementary school.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Jay suddenly asked while pointing his thumb at Daniel.

"No." I gave him a deadpanned look, closing my eyes and shaking my head. "No," I repeated for good measure, letting out a slow, deep breath. "I don't have a boyfriend."

"Good." Jay said with relief, which also caught me a bit off guard. Good?

This is awkward...

"But we do have a date." Daniel countered.

"It's not a date." I shot back, feeling my cheeks heat up when I reassured Jay. Why was I even assuring him? What did it matter anyways? And why were we even having this conversation?

Jay rolled his eyes, pushing himself off the counter and producing his cell phone from his pocket while he stumbled down the line away from us. It made me feel a bit less entrapped, but I still didn't like being alone with Daniel. I wasn't so sure I could trust myself.

I mean, I had been wrong about him having chest hair, the stumble wasn't enough to be categorized as such, but the happy trail that disappeared inside his jeans told me other stories I would rather not think about. See what I mean? Damn, why was I so nervous...and horny? A complete hot mess of a train wreck, that's what I was.

"Dawn?" Daniel snapped me out of my distrustful thoughts.

"Yes?" I snapped a bit crueler than I intended to. I really needed a drink.

"I asked if you'd get me a coffee." He said slowly, lifting an eyebrow in concern. I knew I was sweating and cleared my throat. Yep, I definitely needed a drink.

"No." I told him, shaking my head.

His amused smile caught me by surprise, making me furrow my brows.

"No?" He laughed, shifting in his seat to pull his wallet from his back pocket. "But I'm a paying customer."

"You heard me. I said no." I told him void of any emotion. "You're really just going to sit here until I get off? Really?"

"I have all the time in the world to watch you dance around this diner." He grinned, making heat radiate off of my face in waves. If this kept up, I'd probably faint soon or something.

"Well in that case, no. No coffee."

He shrugged his shoulders, pulling a fifty from his pocket and sliding it across the counter towards me, his eyes twinkling deviously.

"I tip."


After an hour and a half of trying to avoid Daniel, I was lucky that we became more busy. Tourists were coming in from the beach and keeping me preoccupied enough to only refill his coffee twice.

During those two times, I had almost spilt it on him on accidental purpose, and the last time chills erupted up my arm when his fingertips brushed over my wrist from the look he had given me. Damn those devilish eyes.

I sort of felt bad for dodging him with the fifty he had given me, but his entire being radiated danger. Every time I'd look at him, warning bells were going off.

I shouldn't have taken his money, but J was already in debt, and paying my bills were becoming harder as the months went by.

I knew what he wanted from me, I wasn't an idiot, and if I stayed around him for too long I was certain I'd fall under his spell. He was too tempting to resist.

I wasn't one for one night stands, or having sex with people I barely knew, let alone teachers. I'd never been a promiscuous girl, but something about him could change me quickly, and we both seen that coming.

"So, what'd ya want?" Jay asked, slinging his apron off and pinching the bridge of his nose in exhaustion.

I shook my head, my appetite completely vanished from my nerves. My stomach was literally in my throat as I looked over at Daniel. And as if feeling my eyes on him, he glanced up, lifting his brows impatiently. Apparently he didn't like me avoiding him.

"A raincheck for tomorrow?" I asked, averting my gaze away from my professor's. "I'm not too hungry anymore."

"Excited for your date?" He grinned, giving me a sarcastic look and nudging me in the side with his elbow. "How old is that guy? Thirty-five? Forty?"

I scowled at him, slapping his elbow out of my ribs. "Not funny." I breathed. apparently I really was bad at guessing ages.

"How old are you? Ten?" I countered, feeling my cheeks heat up.

"Ha-ha." He deadpanned slowly. "Twenty-five."

"But yeah." He groaned, rubbing his red eyes, "I'll buy you lunch tomorrow."

"Thanks," I grinned, despite how shot my nerves were and dreading going on the date with the amazingly sexy older man sitting just a few feet away from me. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"See ya, beautiful eyed Dawny." He gave me a lopsided smirk with a wave as he walked out of the restaurant.

"So, are you finally ready?" Daniel asked, sliding out of his seat as I rounded the bar, turning to face him. I really do need something strong to stay in his presence for long. Wow, at some tanned abs.

It never once occurred to me if he would be driving in this state before it was already too late. There went the only excuse I could use to avoid this date, and it was gone.


A/N: Almost time for the date. Just a filler chapter before things get hot. :)

*I added another picture of Daniel. :) Sexy, right?

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