c h a p t e r s i x t e e n

573 7 0

" I finally get to leave I've been tortured the past few days with constant Will visits " I told Maggie while signing my release forms 

" Trust me, everybody is tired of your whining here " She jokes and I just roll my eyes 

" Remember we are having a family dinner tonight " I remind her and she nods 

" Yea I won't be late, Goodwin is going to get someone to cover for Will and I " She says and I nod before changing the subject 

" So what's up with Nat and Will ? " I ask and Maggie checks to see if anyone is coming 

" basically they're not together anymore "  

" what ? but she was so in love she would constantly tell us " I tell her and I see Maggie shrug 

" she's seeing a new guy and I tried convincing her about Will but no use " she said 

" Maybe let's hook him up with Sylvie or  that one cousin of yours Esmeralda " Maggie spoked up again and I shook my head again 

" Nope he'll be pissed at both of us " I stated before shaking my head 

" Whatever come on let's go, I'm pretty sure Jay is waiting outside for you " She lightly pushes me out and I start laughing 

Walking towards the entrance, I see Jay and the rest of PD here 

" Woah I don't remember asking for a police escort " I joked and Antonio is the first to respond 

" Of course, please be careful we don't want you getting injured " He said 

" Again " Finished Kevin and I laughed 

" On a serious note we are here for business, Trudy is here to take you with Remus and Sylvie " Hank spoke and I nodded confused 

" Ry what's going on ? " I ask my older brother 

" Business and we needed Jay so we asked Sylvie and she said yea "

" Come on sweetie " Trudy said and I nodded following her to the car not before turning to Jay 

" Be careful love, I love you. Come home to us " I told giving him a quick peck and looked at Hailey and Ryan and I told them to be safe as well. 

a/n : hey guys I just wanted to say 

let me know if I could some things 

on here or add some other things. 

sorry for this really short chapter.

and thank you for almost 800 reads ! 

also sorry for the lack of updates. 


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