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Haze looked up; stunned. Standing around her was Azurians, an Aquarius, and several Terras.

"What the heck?" Haze said.

"Welcome to the rebellion." said Grace.

"Who is she?" one of them said.

"Grace, stop bringing random people here." another said. Haze sat up and rubbed her eyes. There was a dove, an octopus, a phoenix, a horse, a hedgehog, an arctic fox, and a dragonfly. They all varied in different heights and shapes, especially the female dragonfly who was only 3 feet tall. The tallest of them all was the phoenix. She had long wavy auburn hair and flaming wings. She seemed stern and a leader type. The arctic fox had long almost white blonde hair down to her ankles and a large pale tail behind her. She looked like Lox but taller. The hedgehog had spiky hair tied up into a ponytail and bright green eyes to top it off. In the middle of the crowd was a horse with strong legs and dusty hair. The second tallest was a sturdy teenager with feathery hair and elegant dove wings. He constantly checked his hair and face not seeming to notice Haze. At the very back, was an octopus with dark purple hair, but nothing else could be told from her because of the floating water bubble around her. Grace cleared her throat and announced, "This is Haze. She is an Azurian and I think she should join us.".

"You can't just bring people here Grace." said the Phoenix, "No matter what kingdom.". Haze stood for a moment with her jaw open still processing what had happened.

"Who are you?" Haze asked. They all laughed.

"The real question is who are you?" said the Phoenix.

"I'm Haze. I'm from the west islands near the blue mountains." she responded.

"I don't care about where you're from. Tell me why you want to join." she demanded.

"Who said I wanted to?" Haze replied. The phoenix smirked.

"If you don't we'll have to lock you up." she said, "Either that or we erase all your memories and let you go out as an Azurian into a Terra infested land. You pick."

The hedgehog chimed and said, "If you join you can bunk with me!". The crowd looked at her for a second and looked back at Haze.

The hedgehog's smile disappeared and she whispered, "Sorry.".

"Actually, instead of forcing you to, we should introduce ourselves." said the Phoenix, "I'm Elisa.".

"I'm Lyla." said the dragonfly.

"Luke, hi." said the dove while staring at his reflection in a mirror hanging on the wall.

"Jonai-pa" blubbed the octopus.

"Excuse me?" said Haze.

"Oh, sorry." said the octopus. A small funnel of no water was made in front of her mouth allowing her to speak. "I said Juniper. That's my name.".

"It's Lola." said the arctic fox slyly.

"Flora." the hedgehog said and smiled warmly.

"Camile, nice to meet ya." said the horse. She spat in her hand and held it out for Haze to shake. She stood for a moment wondering what she was doing. Finally, Haze cupped her hand and put it over the wad of saliva hoping it wouldn't touch her hand.

"Well, you were supposed to spit in yours too but okay then.". Haze's face turned red and took a step back quietly. Waiting in awkward silence they all stood patiently waited for Grace to speak.

"She already knows my name guys. Grace. Duh." she said. Haze laughed lightly still a little shocked.

"Can I leave now?" said Camile, "I have to repair some things in the basement.

"You may go." responded Elisa calmly, "You may all go back, except for Haze. Come with me.". Elisa walked down a hallway only made of dirt. Dim torches lined the hallway like every other place she had seen in the Terra kingdom. Haze wanted to ask where they were going but said nothing. She looked back up the stairway and saw Flora looking down at her with a worried expression on her face. Haze put her head down and silently walked the rest of the way.

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