Chapter 40: Downed By a Glass of Wine!

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Although 137 had successfully completed his mission, he still felt restless and unsettled. Something just didn’t feel right. For that reason, after leaving the virtual network, he immediately reported to his commander on the strange disturbance he had sensed in the Central Scout Academy’s system.

After hearing 137’s report, the commander's expression became stern. Could it really be as the General suspected? Were the culprits behind Major General Ling Xiao’s death on the move again?

He indicated to 137 to leave things as they were, and reminded him about the code of silence before letting him go back and rest. He then turned on his communication device and entered a number he rarely ever contacted.

It wasn’t long before a middle-aged general appeared on the holographic screen, a serious expression on his face.

"Yo, Sir General, long time no see." At odds with his usual cold persona in front of his troops, the commander was now casually flippant.

"Oh, it’s you, you little brat. Aren’t you back on mandatory leave? Why are you free to contact me?" The familiar voice of the commander caused the general’s face to soften.

"Wasn’t it the military who sent us to the Central Scout Academy to take charge of the tests?" complained the commander casually.

The general’s face stiffened and he said in a rush, "Being with kids is also a way of relaxing."

The commander laughed. "True!"

And the matter ended there. It had been implicit in the general’s words that their assignment to the school had something to do with him.

"So what do you want, brat?" The general knew that this son of his old friend, who he had watched grow up from a little kid, would not contact him for no reason. Usually, he wouldn't see hide nor hair of him; the brat would scurry away faster than any mouse.

Reminded of his purpose in calling, the commander’s expression turned grim. He faithfully reported what had happened to Ling Lan, as well as the disturbance 137 had felt on the virtual network. Since their presence at the scout academy had been by the general’s design, then it was very likely related to the matter of Ling Xiao’s son.

"Duly noted," said the general calmly, "Let someone else handle things after this — don’t get any further involved."

The commander replied lowly, "Understood," and then asked, "Will there be any danger to Major General Ling Xiao’s son?" From the general’s words, he could somehow guess what the general was planning.

The general did not answer his question, only saying, "Enjoy your vacation. Don’t worry about anything else." With those parting words, he ended the call.

The commander stared vacantly at the dark screen, and a shadow passed over his face. The general’s words had indirectly told him the answer. The general himself couldn't guarantee that there would be no mishaps in his current arrangements.

The commander knew very well that, for the future of the Federation, some sacrifices were necessary. The moles hidden in the higher ranks of the federal military had to be dug out, otherwise another incident like Ling Xiao’s would happen again — and the Federation couldn't afford to lose any more god-class operators.

Still, he felt a little indignant. In service of the Federation, his idol Major General Ling Xiao had already been sacrificed — did his child have to be sacrificed too? He stood for a long moment, staring blindly into the distance, and after much thought, decided that he had to be true to his heart just this once.

He dialled a contact number and was quickly connected. "413, I’m sorry to inform you that your vacation has been cancelled." After coming to a decision, the initial melancholy of the commander had been swept away and he was even jovial enough to joke around with 413 now.

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