Chapter 50: Fighting For Time!

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"Little Four, mecha B’s attack trajectories," requested Ling Lan calmly, "and raise the second hover car." The more dangerous the situation, the more she needed to stay calm — Chamberlain Ling Qin’s life depended on her.

Ling Lan was endlessly grateful that she had the help of such a useful companion like Little Four. After Little Four had taken control of the threatening hover car, he had also notified Ling Lan that he had assumed control of the other two hover cars as well. This information was like a ray of light to the perturbed Ling Lan, giving her the precious inklings of an idea which might help Ling Qin and her hold on till backup arrived.

Yet along with her relief, she also felt quite glum. For the first time ever, she truly recognised how weak she was still. Currently, she could only watch as a loved one she cared for fought for his life — if it weren’t for Little Four, Grandpa Ling Qin would probably be bleeding all over the scene by now.

As of this moment, Ling Lan did not notice that an intense need to grow stronger had taken seed and sprouted within her heart, and had started to grow secure roots. In the future, when she encountered difficulties and felt tired or lost, it would give her the will to carry on …

Little Four’s actions were impeccable — not only did he manage to calculate and present all of mecha B’s attack trajectories, he had also automatically shifted the second hover car to block off those trajectories.

Little Four was a studious child — Ling Lan only had to order him once for him to remember her instructions. Thus, without needing to be told twice, he had already taken the initiative to do what Ling Lan wanted.

"Little Four, well done." Even though she had never raised a child before, Ling Lan still knew that children loved to be praised. So, she was unstinting with her praise, causing Little Four to blush bright red, smiling so much till his eyes were all scrunched up into a line.


When the hover cars once again interfered with the attack trajectories, even a dumber person would have noticed that something wasn’t right.

"Not good! Something must have gone wrong." Mecha B lowered his rifle, expression serious.

"Head, I remember that the people in those hover cars are all out. There’s no one in those cars." Mecha A had also figured out the truth, remembering that the people who had initially been in those cars were now embroiled in battle with the opponent.

"Not good, we’ve been discovered." Thinking about how their attacks were being thwarted, mecha B felt cold sweat start pouring out from his pores. His every move was most likely already being monitored by the opponent.

"Ah … H-Head, what should we do?" Mecha A began panicking. If their identities had truly been exposed, then they would not be allowed to live. Although he didn’t know who their direct superior was, from the little that he had gleaned from Head’s explanations, he knew that it was someone who had the power to move mountains and part oceans. Eliminating them would be like squishing ants to someone like that.

"Shoot down those two hover cars," bit out mecha B ruthlessly. If they pulled back now, they still wouldn’t be welcomed back; they might as well take a gamble, and perhaps achieve something that might work in their favour.

"Alright, Head." Mecha A was too afraid not to listen. He once again lifted his sniper rifle to aim at one of the hover cars.


"Little Four, come back quick." Ling Lan saw the opponent raise his rifle and just knew that they weren’t about to just roll over. She was worried for Little Four’s safety, and so quickly urged him to come back.

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