Chapter 115: The Tragic Rabbit!

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“Why should I have told you? Would his being a god-class operator affect your life in any way?” Lan Luofeng cast a confused glance at Ling Lan. “Not to mention he has already left us, and even if he were by our side, whether or not he is a god-class operator, what does that have to do with us?”

Ling Lan thought about it and felt that what Lan Luofeng said was correct. Knowing if Ling Xiao was a god-class operator or not really didn’t have much impact on her life at all.

Lan Luofeng picked up a mouthful of Ling Lan’s favourite side-dish with her chopsticks and placed it in Ling Lan’s bowl, and continued to say, “Also, Ling Xiao is just Ling Xiao. He’s a normal person, and also my husband, your daddy. Whether he’s a god-class operator or not, he’s still my husband and your daddy. These two identities will never change.”

Lan Luofeng’s words caused Ling Lan’s body to jerk in realisation, and the restlessness she had felt after finding out that Ling Xiao was a god-class operator abruptly disappeared.

“Also, Baby Lan, don’t let your daddy’s status influence your choices in the future. You must remember — you are you. You just coincidentally have a father named Ling Xiao, that’s all.” Lan Luofeng was somewhat worried, afraid that her daughter would choose to do things she didn’t like just because of Ling Xiao, like try to become a mecha operator or something. “I hope that you’ll choose what you like to do in the future, and not choose out of some obligation or whatever other reason …”

Lan Luofeng’s words caused Ling Lan to look at her mum with new eyes; she felt as if she was getting to know a new side of Lan Luofeng.

Ling Lan reckoned that among all the females that her dad had encountered, her mum was the only one who didn’t treat her dad as someone overwhelmingly strong or an idol or perhaps even as a long-term food provider. She had very simply and purely seen him as a regular person to live an average life with. And so, her dad had chosen her mum … yup, decisively making a move even before her mum had become an adult.

“Thanks, Mum!” said Ling Lan sincerely. She finished off all of the side-dishes that Lan Luofeng had given her and then lifted her head from her bowl to ask, “Mum, say, do you think Dad could still be alive?”

Lan Luofeng’s lips bloomed with a radiant smile, and she nodded decisively and said, “Yes, I think your daddy wouldn’t die so easily. He’s a god-class operator!” Her tone concealed none of her admiration and pride for Ling Xiao.

Ling Lan smiled too then. Since her own mum wished for this, then she would also hold onto this hope as well. Besides, it was just like her mum said — a god-class operator wouldn’t just die that easily …

Ling Lan finished eating and then went with her mum to the field outside to walk off the meal. After that, she returned to a training room to practise several sets of physical skills. In particular, Ling Lan ran through the scout academy’s foundational physical skills set at least 10 times, because Ling Xiao had mentioned that this set of physical skills was not as simple as it seemed. It may even be a great help when operating mecha and advancing in the future.

At the end, she took a shower and lay down to sleep. Entering the learning space as usual, she saw Little Four sitting on the ground. There were countless papers piled high beside him, and he was flipping through several more sheets of paper in his hands.

Ling Lan asked curiously, “Little Four, what are you doing?”

Perhaps Little Four had been too engrossed in what he was doing; he was so frightened by Ling Lan’s voice that he flung his arms out — the papers in his hands were thrown into the air, and one of them landed on his head.

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