capitolo tres

18 2 0

I walked into room B12 without realizing it, until I saw four boys come out of the kitchen.

Before I realized that it wasn't my room, I hung my jacket up, shouted a few things to my mom, like, "what happened to the furniture?" "can I order pizza?" and "mom, where are you?".

One boy had red hair, another with a blonde streak and a very, very attractive skin complexion, the third one with a quiff and holding a.. kitten? I think. And the last one with curly hair.

"Shit." I mumbled as I made my way back to the door. "Sorry guys, this was my old room number and I'm not really used to the one I have now. Sorry to interrupt."

I grabbed my jacket and opened the door, "Sorry again." as I was about to close the door, I heard someone yell "Wait!", so I opened the door again, hoping whoever said it was talking to me.

"We just ordered pizza, and I heard you ask your mom if you could order some." the red haired boy laughed, "you can stay for some if you want."

I just smiled, "how do you know that I'm not a murder? Or, how do I know that you guys aren't murders?". Me being me, thinking I'm going to be killed by four boys that own a kitten.

"Well," he said "are you a murderer?" "No" I said then just stood there for a second, "are you? All of you, I mean." "Nope" he said, answering for all of them. "Well then it's settled!" the curly haired boy said walking towards me.

"I'm Ashton." he said, and put his hand out for me to shake. "Alaska" I said, while shaking his hand. "Luke" the boy with the kitten said. "I'm Michael" the boy that I was talking to before said. I just smiled as I waited for the boy with the blonde streak to say something.

"Dude, introduce yourself." Luke said to him. "Calum" he said and walked out of the room.

"I'm sorry, I should really go. I think I was interrupting something." I said and turned around opening the door again.

"Wait!" Ashton said, practically shouting. "Wait, I mean, um, you should stay. It would be nice for us to get to, uh, get to know our neighbors and stuff, yeah." I just giggled and said "As long as Calum doesn't mind, I guess. Since you're practically forcing me, I'll stay."

"Yay!" the three boys said. "Come in, you can sit down if you want." said Michael. "Is it okay with Calum?" I asked. "Yes" they said all at once. "Can someone please ask him? I really don't want him to feel uncomfortable or anything. I mean, it is his apartment too.." "I will." Luke said. "Thanks" I said, he just smiled, nodded, then walked out of the room.

I don't know what I did. Calum seemed angry.

"He said it's fine." Luke said coming back into the room, then plopping on the couch, next to me.

"Alright Alaska, why don't you tell us a little about yourself?" Ashton asked. "Uh, I'm not very good at that." I said and he giggled. Wait, did he just giggle? "You guys can ask me questions and I'll answer them, though." "Alright, seems fair enough." Michael said.

He seems so familiar, in a good way of course.

"How old are you?" asks Luke. "Nineteen" I say. "I'm eighteen" says Luke, "Twenty" Ashton says, "Eighteen" Michael adds. I just smile at them letting them know that I'm ready for the next question.

"Are you seeing-" Ashton starts to say but gets cut off by someone knocking on the door. "I'll get it." Luke says as he puts the kitten down. Then he gets up to get the door. "No! I got it!" Michael yells, then jumps on Luke's back, making them both fall. But Michael just jumps back up and gets the door. "Damnit" Luke muttered as he got up.


omg okay so that's that. i trIED OKAY IM SORRY

im updating later so you can get the full story on how they met and what happened and whatnot. probably in an hour or so idk.

um. i hope you liked it. thank you for reading. yay okay bye for now.

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