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Dear Diary,

It's currently 9pm and I just thought I should write some more stuff because why not?

So, do you mind if I tell you a little about my family? No? Alright, well, I live with my mom in an apartment in L.A., my dad left me and my mom when I was really little. He never really told us why he left, he just did. I like living with only my mom though, it's less drama.

I had a brother, but he passed away when he was young. I don't talk to any of my cousins or anything, so it's just me and my mom, I like it that why.

I move around a lot too, I'm not sure why. We've lived in twenty-three different states, I'm sure if I named all of them you'd get bored, so let me just tell you my favorite, Colorado. It was so beautiful there, I'll never forget it. Room B12, I'll never forget that, either.

I want to move back, but my mom said that she didn't like it, I'm not sure why, everything about that place was stunning.

You want to know something ironic? My room number now is B13. Everytime I go to the second floor I almost walk in B12, but I stop myself. Except this time, this time I didn't stop myself. It was by accident, I swear.


hello there. and i changed some stuff um she doesnt live by herself and i deleted the date she wrote so i would probably reread the first chapter bc yeah. i know this is short but i feel like i needed to update and i know this is boring but i might update later too. oops. well thank you for reading and if you have suggestions or comments just message me or comment or something idk by e

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