XVI. the call

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uncurling from his previous position, taeyong was awakened by a slight set of sunbeams blaring through his window. the sweet golden rays were a nice contrast to his ironed gray bedsheets. taeyong had slept in yesterday's clothes, too tired to undress and properly tuck himself under his covers last night. yet, he was still warm in the room. it was a nice feeling for once.

"good morning," taeyong whispered to no one. he rolled onto his side as a sudden noise interrupted his thought process. then, the noise registered in his brain. his phone was ringing.

taeyong sat up on his bed and stretched. the process of inhaling and exhaling oxygen was present as he readjusted himself, leaning over and grabbing his cell phone off of his bed side table.

'unknown caller' the screen read. taeyong rose an eyebrow. hesitantly, he swiped his thumb across the glass answering the stranger calling his phone.

"hello..?" taeyong said with a groggy voice, still tired from just waking.

"good morning, tutor," the honey-like voice said.

taeyong's eyes shot wide.

"how did you get my number?" taeyong aggressively asked jaehyun on the other end.

"i'm grand, thanks for asking, how are you?" jaehyun said.

taeyong sighed and brought his fingers up to his right temple, rubbing the skin, as he had a feeling a headache was about to occur. it wasn't necessary to wonder why.

"you know, i'm starting to think you're just grumpy all the time. well if you really must know.. you grabbed my bag instead of yours yesterday when you were off in a hurry. i tried to tell you, but you had already run out of the cafe," jaehyun explained.

taeyong shot off of his bed. over to the corner of the room sat a black book bag. taeyong crouched down to the object and quickly unzipped the largest pocket. he reached his hand into the bag and pulled out a bright red basketball jersey with the initials 'j.j' sewn onto the lacey fabric.

'dammit' he thought to himself.

"i of course needed to tell you about our little predicament, so, i asked yukhei if he knew the yuta kid you talked about yesterday and he told me to talk to sicheng. you know him? the tall chinese kid?" jaehyun asked.

taeyong rolled his eyes.

"yeah i know him."

"great. well, he told me all about yuta and how he's apparently 'super handsome' and 'super good at soccer' and what not. now, if you ask me, i would say he's got the hots for yuta, but you didn't hear that from me. anyway, i asked him to ask yuta for your number and boom. look where we are now."

taeyong looked at his clock.

9:46 am on a saturday morning.

he was far too tired for this.

"so, how are you going to get my bag back to me?" taeyong asked, now walking out of his bedroom.

he heard jaehyun hum through the speaker as if he was thinking.

"well, mr. lee, how about another one of those tutoring sessions?" jaehyun asked.

taeyong's jaw dropped.

"absolutely not. you already know everything, there's no need. and you know that too. why do you even care so much?" taeyong spoke with his hands, swinging them up and down, making random gestures to express his feeling. as soon as he realized he stopped knowing jaehyun couldn't see him anyways.

"i hate you." // jaeyongWhere stories live. Discover now