026; Gee Nelson Letter Three

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Dear Talia,

He got a girls number,
It felt wrong watching him flirt with other girl that wernt you.

To be fair,
It looked like he felt wrong
doing it himself.

We all went out to a club,
I suppose we all were in need of something to numb the pain.
Its weird, seeing what life after
you is like.

It's been 7 months since you left,
so I suppose you could do
with an update.

Freya, she still feels guilty about the argument you to had and she still refuses to tell me what it was about. However, I think shes okay, she has Josh and as long as she has him, she'll be okay.

Simon, to be honest I don't know
how he is doing. He's trying to move on, get himself back together, I know that. Its easy though isn't it, to hide how your really feeling behind a smile and a bottle of vodka. You leaving taught me that.

So I can't really begin to tell you how he's doing or how anyone's doing because nobody knows what goes on inside someone else's head but them.


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