3. Monday

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It had already passed Sunday, which meant Monday was here! and Monday means school. Or what I like to call it 'shit.' Schools sucks. I have no one, everyone likes to target at me and just call me names for no reason. But I have to put on a smile and get on with my day, because no one needs to know that I'm hurt inside.

I had my normal bowl of lucky charms, got ready, grabbed my coat and walked out the door. I got my iPod out and stuck my earphones in my ears. Music is such an amazing thing, it's a distraction and just takes me out of reality, I love it. I was listening to A team by Ed Sheeran, I love this song!

On my way to school I saw Leah. She's Joe's girlfriend. Oh, and Joe is my brother! They are just the cutest couple ever! I don't walk to school with him because he gets up so late, he makes sure he gets as much sleep as he can on a school day, that's why he's always late! Leah is my only friend at school, she's two years younger than me. She's so beautiful, long dark hair and brown eyes, and always a smile on her face. She's so kind, and an amazing friend. Because she's in a different year we have nothing together, our lunch is even at different times! I wish she was in my year! than we could have lunch together, and than I would have someone to sit next to and talk to. But I don't, so I do everything myself.

"Hi Zoe, how are you?" Leah said.

"I'm great thanks! how about you?"

" Not feeling to great today, I've got a cold! but it's not to bad, ill be ok! I love what you've done to your hair, you look stunning!"

I smiled. Leah's always giving me complements, it makes me feel so happy!

"Aw, I hope you get better and Nothing new" I replied " just tried out a different style, you like it?"

"I absolutely love it you look so beautiful!"

"Aw thank you Leah, you look gorgeous as alway!"

She replied saying thank you and had to rush off to class, as she's younger than me her classes start earlier, but mine start a little later. I heard someone panting and looked behind me, it was Joe running to get to class! he just doesn't learn does he!

I went to my locker, took out my earphones and grabbed my maths book, and want to class. I was the first one there, thank God!! I like being early so I don't have to walk into a group of people and get embarrassed.

Maths class started. I could already here my name coming from these two girls. They were both blondes and so pretty, their names are Jasmine and Louisa, and omg they hate me so much. Always back chatting about me and making up rumours. I could hear them whispering 'Zoe looks like such a slut, like ew she's disgusting!' like really? really?! do they think I'm an idiot! I can clearly hear them because they are only sitting one table away from me! I pretended I couldn't hear them, and carried on with my maths. I could hear my brain going, ' do I really look like a slut?' Those girls make me so self conscious.

It was break time, and I survived maths! I decided to call Alfie because I haven't seen him in ages. And I just wanted to hear his cute and manly voice again.

We talked for awhile, and then I realised I had to go to my classes! It was so nice talking to Alfie, he always keeps me going, I just love him millions! He said we could meet after school, I was so excited.

It was lunch time. I had science and art before and tbh they were really good! I sat by myself at lunch, as usual . Today's lunch was disgusting lumpy carrot soup and bread, yum! I decided to go to the library after lunch. I found a book, sat in the corner by myself and read for a bit. I really hope to have my own book when I'm older! and maybe get it published by penguin, because they are such a big company, and I seem to read a lot of books by them! That would be amazing!

It was the end of school and I was waiting outside for Alfie. I was so excited to see his face again, I haven't seen him for a month. eeeeeeeeeep! I couldn't hold my excitement!

Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around,

" Hey little one" Alfie said.

I screamed! I wrapped my arms around him, giving him the biggest squeeze. It felt so good. Being in his arms is the best feeling ever.

He grabbed my hand, and we walked home together. Alfie was going to stay round but he can't because I have so much homework thanks to my crappy school!

We arrived at my house, and I said goodbye. I hugged him tight, and he gave me a kiss on the cheek. I smiled.

"Bye Alfie!" I said.

"Goodbye little one, i'll miss you" said Alfie.

I turned around and opened my house door, I was already missing him!

• hi guys! so here is the third part of my story, it's much longer, so I feel like it's starting to become a book! I love the part when Zoe is talking about having her own book. Im so proud of her because she is writing a book and getting it published by penguin! so proud of her. Hope your enjoying it so far :) •

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