Chapter Seven

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The following day rolled by and Leo, Bree, and Adam were by the front doors waiting for their friend’s to show up. “I really don’t see why we have to stay to here, don’t you think it will be weird if they see us well…. waiting for them?” Leo asked.

            Adam looked at him and frowned “Well if you were bionic wouldn’t you be waiting for the people who aren’t bionic?”


                Bree rolled her eyes and Marcus and Chase soon strolled into the building. “Chase, hi!” Bree said running up to him.

                He smiled “Hey Bree”

                “Look about yesterday-“

                “Forget about yesterday princess” Marcus said putting his arm around her.

                Bree smiled weakly and Leo and Adam stood their confusingly. “So, you don’t remember anything that happened?” Leo asked.

            “Well actually-“ but Chase was cut off by his brother.

            “Nope. Nothing at all” he said quickly.

            “Are you sure, because it looks like that Chase was about to say some-“

            “Say something? Nope. Not Chase, in fact Chase has been acting really funny lately, are you sick buddy?” he asked and tried to feel his brother’s forehead.

 Chase slapped him and his brother “I’m fine” he replied

“You sure?” he says touching his forehead again. His brother slapped him again and he slapped him back and the two of them continued to fight like little kids.

            Bree laughed and shook her head. “Well now that is settled with… see you later in class Chase” she smiled and walked away, with her brothers not too far behind her.

            Chase smiled and he watched Bree go down the hall way but turned to slap his brother across the arm. “Ouch” he said “Watch it!”

            “Sorry… still getting used to be ‘super strength’” he said. “Why did you stop me from telling them that we are bionic?”

“Because dad said not to yet”

“Since when are you such a goodie goodie?”

Marcus rolled his eyes “Look Chase, when the right time comes, the right time will comes”

“Yea right… like I am going to listen to you” he said.

Marcus smirked and shook his head “Chase, Chase, Chase. You really don’t understand do you? Sure we are all bionic, but what happens if we both got competitive with everything, you don’t want friendship to break now do you? Especially with Bree?”

Chase stared at him for a while and nodded his head. “Your right….”

Marcus smiled and patted him on the back “Don’t worry buddy. We will tell them soon. Anyway, we better head back to class” and with that, they two boys brothers made their way down the hallway.

The following week rolled by quite quickly and before they all knew it, it was Thursday night and the Henderson brothers were in the kitchen doing their homework after school.

            “If 2+3=8, 3+7=27,4+5=32, 5+8=60, 6+7=72, then what is 7+8? What kind of freak would know this?”

            “7+8 is equal to 98” his brother replied without looking up from his book.

Code Red: Labrats fanfic (#Wattys2015) (#feels)Where stories live. Discover now