No Update-News

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Hey guys!

So…. The next chapter won’t be up this week since I have a few tests to study for… :(

No worries though, cause my vacation starts this coming Friday :) I have an idea about the next chapters so I am really exited!

Now… some of you are probably wondering from the title what the news is….

Well…. I also love to write poems and short stories but I never have time to do them sine I am doing these fanfics/stories for you guys. So, I have I to rat a new account! I am going to be posting poems, short stories, you name it!

And don’t worry. I am still going to be posting stories for you guys on this account but I also want to go through this path.

Anyway, as you know, my name is Roxy Brown and I am trying to figure out a nice/not to cheesy/inspirational user name. Any ideas????

Again. Thank you guys for reading this book. I know some of it doesn’t make sense but yea. That is the beauty of writing. Some people don’t make sense but after years an years an years…. Thy eventually o. sometimes….

Anyway, peace and love, Roxy Brown!:)

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