Chapter 8

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~Ryanne ~

"That looks about right." Michael rested his hands on his hips and stood back to look at his picture hanging skills. I laughed a bit and fixed the picture. 

"Yeah, right off the spot." I said. Michael made a whining sound. I took a look around the house and I felt a bit of accomplishment. We managed time fix up the house in less than a weekend. And it looked great if I do say.

"Guys, I have to get home. Mind driving? " I ask Mikey, since he seemed like the only person that could drive in our group.

"Of course,  short stack." He laughed and grabbed the keys off the counter.

"Thanks again for the ride." I say as I take a step out the car.

"But of course, my dear. See you later." Mikey waved me off. I smiled and continue to walk towards my house. My stomach started getting nervous. My steps grew slower. My hands shook. My mom was home.

I cautiously opened the door and quietly shut it behind me. I tried so hard to tip toe my way pass the living room, Where I knew she would be. "Where do you think you're going?" I heard her voice. I closed my eyes.

"Shit." I muttered. "To my room." I said aloud to her. You could obviously hear the annoyed tone in my words. You could sense the tension between us two from three miles away.

"Where were you? I told you you were grounded from not coming home after school last time. " my mother scolded me. I mentally tore out her vocal cords before responding.

"I was out,  duh." I said in a rude tone.

"Answer me dammit! " she scream and threw an empty beer bottle at me. It missed by head by a couple inches and hit the wall. I felt the urge to lunge at her. To tear her apart piece by piece, but that would just be wrong.

"You are fucking drunk. Leave me alone or I will call the cops." I said through gritted teeth. My mom only looked at me. Her eyes boring into my soul.

"You won't. " she hissed.

"Wanna bet?" I retaliated. Her steps came closer to me as mine went closer to the door. The air around me was musty and smelt gross from cigarette smoke.

"If you leave this house, I swear I will never speak to you again." She yelled at me. A tingle went down my spine.

"Is that what you told my dad too? Looks like we both don't care too much for you." I sighed and unlocked the door single handedly. 

"Don't you walk out on me!" My mom cried. Her hand gripped my wrist. Her nails dug into my skin. I fought off the pain and looked straight into my mom's brown eyes. They seemed desperate. 

"Maybe my father and I do have something in common." I muttered and snatched by wrist away from her. My presence leaving that dingy house. Leaving my mother.

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