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Favorite song: Earth by Lil Dicky

Yo it's almost earth day and this is the first year I'm not celebrating it, not like I got inspired by the Logan Paul's flat earth documentary and decided "Hey this all a LIE, global warming is not REAL!"

Welp I mean I'm gonna go pick up trash around where I live like every other year but since my stupid ass got kicked out of a private school I'm not gonna wear green or be Vegan for the whole day since I can't so I won't (rice crispies treats for LIFE). What I mean is I don't think that being good on earth day really matter, yeah I guess you should spread awareness and stuff but don't you guys think that the thing people do on earth day really counts??? its just a day when the things you do on that day is what you should be doing EVERY SINGLE DAY!! so thats my little rant now to the BIG rant next. Love the 🌎 guys.

Alright you have reach your destination of my daily rant since I've ran out of braincells after my final exams I'll be talking about my lastest regret in life.

So like I've said I just finish my final exams, while other people do their exams we have to be in holding groups and get to go outside.

perfect timing since I haven't been active since Christmas of last year so I decided hey let's cut some slack off and play soccer with all of these random cis guys that I don't know on a football feild with some lacrosse shenanigans running around swinging their sticks like are about to kill someone, no hate to the lacrosse comunity but I'm still kinda hazy after this freaking solid hard ass ball hit my head following up by this girl and her stick slamming right onto me like I was in a wrestling match or something.

Of course they are cis guys, teenagers with T level flying up to Mars may I add and since they're all strangers I thought I'll just blend in and be one of them, mind you that I look like a whole ass 9 year old with long hair after almost a year of not cutting it since my mom supposedly "Likes her son with longer hair." So I was just running around around trying to have fun when this kid came to me and asked " Yo asian, you're a dude right?? Not that I think you look like a girl but i've never seen an asian dude in this school ever, it's kinda cool." So I'm like DUDE I'M PASSING but if I'm normal person I'll will just be like "yeah I'm a dude, my name's TJ, nice to meet you (good luck trying to find what that J stands for)" but of course I'm a crack head so I just stood there and look at him feeling happy as fuck and guess what ???

My buddy Aiden,which I'm not gonna blame him since I didn't told him I'm trans went by and said to the other guy "nah b, that's a chick in front of you."

Literally I was like as red as sweet and sour sauce, the guy was actually pretty cool about me playing soccer with them even though I'm still pissed at myself for not being all that nice and friendly to him at the first place. I manage to not get injured and shot a couple of goals so thats pretty rad, all the guys there turned out to be pretty cool and we now sit together in the cafeteria and all that stuff which is probably worth me regretting my choices for like weeks.

Welp thats it for now, I'm gonna be back soon see ya later y'all!!😊

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