Tom Holland - FFS

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"Hey, Tom, there's a new movie coming out, 'Hellboy', you wanna watch it?" You asked Tom as you sat down next to him.
"Uh-huh." He replied and took a sip from his beer, his eyes stayed on the TV.
"And don't forget that we have that dinner with your parents on Thursday."
"Yep." His responses were cut short. You didn't understand why though. You kept saying different statements, reminding him of his interview dates and when he had to be back on set. His responses did not grow longer than a few words. He didn't even pay attention. You suspected he hadn't been listening to you so you tried to test your theory.

"Hey Tom, I was thinking about sleeping with the twins."
"That's great honey..." He said, his eyes still on the damn TV.
"Oh my god! TOM!" You hit his arm and finally got his attention.
"What?!" He yelled in response. His eyes finally left the TV and they narrowed on you.

"I have been talking to you for the last ten minutes and you haven't even paid any attention to me."
"That is not true."He stated blankly, his grip on the beer bottle tightening.
"Really? Where is our anniversary dinner?"
"Oh my god!" You stood up and walked into the kitchen with Tom trailing behind you.

The argument when on for a while. The both of you talking and getting progressively louder. He stopped talking for a bit and you continued to tell him what was upsetting you. Eventually he was brought to the brink and he tipped over the edge and burst when he hit the ground.
"Ooooh, for FUCKS SAKE!" his voice cut off yours mid sentence and over powered yours completely. Tom had never spoken to you like this. Not ever in the entirety of your relationship. But today that streak was broken as the tears pricked in your eyes and the blood pumped to your cheeks and his eyes widened and he slammed his fist down.

"Would you just shut the fuck up?! What does it matter?! God, you're so annoying sometimes!" He yelled at you. The tears pricked in your eyes and you didn't know what to do. So you did the only thing that you thought you could. You ran.

Out the kitchen. Out the door. Out the building. Out the relationship. You thought.

*time skip*

A week later you heard a knock at your door. You looked through the peep hole and sighed, putting your head against the door.
"(Y/N), please, open the door, I'm sorry." You heard his voice ring through your ears.
"Go away, Tom."
"Please, I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt your feelings."
"It doesn't matter."
"Yes it does, I love you, you know that."
"Do I?" You questioned through the door.

"Please, (Y/N) just trust me, open the door."

And you did.
You let him in and you spoke. For hours. As if you were teenagers again. Back in school when you would meet at Starbucks and go home helping each other with homework and getting distracted by the movie trailers being released. And for the first time in months, you felt like partners in the relationship.

A/N: This is the shittest thing I have ever written, I was stuck for an idea and needed to get something written, don't worry though I'm working on something better. Oh and if there's any spelling mistakes just ignore them, the n key on my laptop isn't working properly and I'm typing to fast to care about words that sound the same but have different meanings.
See ya on the other side kids.

Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now