Chapter 5

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I looked out at the city before me, snow came down almost like hailstone and I through my predictor vison I could see masses of thugs fighting one another, rival gangs was what I was guessing.

"Who are we after?" I asked batman
Standing next to him on at the edge of gotham's pioneers Bridge.

"Copperhead, do you know anything about her?"

" all I know is that she uses a bad neurotoxin, it takes a few minutes to kill and enduces bad hellutionations she shouldn't be a problem as long as you don't let her posion you." I told him what slade had once told me.

"Do you have any idea were she might be?"

"Last I heard she was headed to sionis steel mill."

He handed me a spare grappling hook
and we both set off towards the steel. Mill.

Once we had arived we noticed several armed thugs standing guard.

I turned to face batman

"I'll deal with them, find Copperhead!"

He nodded. "Don't kill them!"

I rolled my eyes but nodded anyways.

I tried to warn him again about Copperheads venom but when I turned he was already gone.

"Freaking ninja!" i said as I shivered slighty in the cold.

With my preaditor vison I made sure that none of what I was guessing was jokers thugs had no thermal goggles before activating my suits thermal setting.

Instantly I began to heat up and I thanked slade quietly under my breath for adding such a feature.

I grappled up to the nearest vantage point to plan my next move. Two armed men covered the entrance of the steel mill and others were scattered0 throughout the premises.

This however would be easy, reaching into my utility belt I pulled out several mini explosive pellets that when planted onto people would explode and incapacitate them but would not be a big enough explosion to kill.

I had loosely based them off of batman's explosive gel that I had seen him employ in combat.

All I had to do was throw them down near a target and wait for the proximity sensors to activate and then detonate.

I swiftly moved from one vantage point to another tossing them at the feet of unsuspecting guards though i almost face palmed as each of them stupidly picked them up reciving a consusive explosion as a reward for doing so.

I had taken out seven idiots this way but the remaining few were staring to catch on, good for them, they actually have brains, so I needed to switch tactics.

I pulled out a disruptor to jam two automatic riffles as that was all the disruptor could so at the moment until I find away to have it emproved.

Two guards had been rendered harmless, that just left three guys remaining all with very harmful guns.

I dropped to the ground tossing three shuriken at the the armed guards knees distancing them while i pulled out a smoke pellet and finished them Off with my ecrisma sticks.

Once the smoke cleared I stepped through the door and into the steel mill grinning when I found all the men in the room knocked unconscious meaning batman had found a way in.

Of course he would, he's batman.

"Renegade to batman, i took out the guards outside, you find Copperhead yet?"

"I'm positive she's here, I've found a guy dead, poison was the cause."

"Her trademark."


"I'm heading through the steel mill now, call me when you've found her."

He grumbled as he hung up and I scoffed. "No need to be so grumpy!"

Making my way through the steel mill I began to notice batman's trail of destruction broken bones and messed up faces seemed to be his trademark.

Eventually however I found were joker must have kept black mask.

"Renegade" batman said through my ear peice yet again. "I've found Black mask and copperhead, I want you to track him while i take down her!"

"on it, mr grumpy bats!"

Roman sionis didn't try and hide very well,I found him escaping out of the fire exist of the steel mill. 

I decided to let him think he had managed to escape before tossing a shuriken right at his feet causing him to stop and look back.

As he was looking back however he clearly didn't see my fist coming, i grimaced as I heared his jaw making a sickening cracking noise.


"That sounded painful!" I said to an unconscious black mask.

"You shoulda stayed home sionis." I. Murmered  as hung his body from his steel mill sign leaving the GCPD an anonymous tip.

I heard the sound of a shipping container door being opened and I arived just in time to see batman throw copperhead into it slamming it's door shut and locking it up tight.

"You okay?" I asked him as I landed on top of the container and then flipped off it it landing next to him.

"I'm fine, she poisoned me but Alfred made a very effective antidote."

"The GCPD should be on their way to collect black mask." I then recounted the encounter before we both grappled off into the moonlight.

"What's our next move?"

"I'm going after the joker."

"No." I said "We are." I put an emphasis on the we part.

"No, you're staying in the batcave!"
Batman said to me emphasising the me staying in the batcave part.

"He tortured me!"

"Which is why you're not coming!"

"I want Revenge!"

"Well too bad!"

I glared at him and he glared back just as hard

"I'm going, I don't care what you say or think!"

I pushed past him only for him to grab my arm I acted on instinct I spun around and punched him as hard as I could which for having enhanced strength was pretty hard for a teenager I smirked triumphantly as I heard a satisfactory crunch.

Batman let go of me and clutched his broken nose he growled and I leapt off the building I was on dropping a smoke pellet to aid me in my escape from the bat.

Batman smiled slightly he had to admit slade had trained the boy to have quite the pair of balls one does not just break the batman's nose.
He then turned to his cryptography sequencer when he grabbed Renegades arm he was actually placing a small tracking device onto him.


End of chapter 5

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