The Dead Returns

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Annabelle POV

I get up from my bed. I walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Lately, a lot of things has been happening. I want to see my parents but I don't feel their existence.

Where did they go?

Why am I alone?

Why can't I remember my past?

As I looked at myself in the mirror, I had black bags under my eyes. Maybe, I didn't sleep well. I cleaned my face and look at myself again. The vision came again, I was covered in blood. My breathing was increasing by the second. I closed my eyes and open them again. The vision was gone, and Devon was standing right behind me.

"Morning, beautiful." he said kissing my cheek.

"Morning." I replied with a shy smile.

"Lets take a shower." he said tugging on my shirt. I smiled and nobs my head.

We took a shower together and got out after what seems like hours. We got dressed. He wore ripped jeans, a band tee, and converse. I wore ripped shorts, a band tee, and also converse. We are matching, cute!

"Where are we going?" I asked looking at Devon from the mirror as I put my hair up in a pony tail.

"We are going to see your parents." he replied not looking at me.

"Yay! I wonder how they are. I wonder if they miss me." I replied smiling in the mirror.

He looked at me and smiles, but it wasn't the happiest smile. I went up to him and cupped his cheek.

"What's wrong? Is there something I need to know?" I asked concerned.

"Your parents are..." he sighed.

"Are what?" I asked tilting my head to the side, while looking at him.

"They aren't alive anymore." he said looking down.

I was shocked.

What did he mean not anymore?

Where are they?

"Who killed them?" I asked with a low voice.

"Demons." he responded.

"Demons, huh." I replied, giggling.

I didn't stay there, I was gone in a second.

Where did I live before?

Is it this way?

I stopped in the middle of the track. I saw the most beautiful woman ever. She have long chocolate hair, her skin was so white as snow, and her eyes; they were gold on the outer and red in the inner. She turned and looked at me, and smiles.

"Mom." was all I can say until she started walking away. I didn't want to believe she was dead or my father. I followed her and came upon an old house. She disappears as I walked into it. The house was old, but still decorated with gold and black. The hallways were long and still beautiful. They have red curtains, the walls were gold, and the floor was marbled. It was beautiful. I looked down the hall and spotted my mother again.

"Mom!" I yelled and she walked towards a door and opens it, leaving it open. I ran down the hall towards that door, and slowly look inside.




The whole room was covered in blood, but whose blood.

"Annabelle..." I heard my name being called by a slight voice.

I looked around and saw two bodies laying on the bed, they still had flesh wounds on them.

Can it be?

"Mom, dad, is that you?" I asked as I inched closer.

"Darling, oh how big you have grown." my father voice said softly.

"We have been dead for centuries, so right now you hear our souls." my mother replied.

"But why am I alone? What happen to you guys?" I asked starting to cry.

"Don't worry darling, we can live again. We just need blood, we haven't had any, that's why we are still dead." my mother replied.

"What blood do you need?" I asked going closer to the bodies on the bed, and touches my mother cheek.

"Just get us humans, any will do. When you get them, drink from them to make them sleep. Then bite into their palm and let the blood drip into our mouth." my father replied.

"Okay, I'll be right back." I replied running out the door. I stopped and looked back at the house this was my home. I started to run again and spotted humans.

Why are they in the underworld?

Whatever. I got a group of humans and brought them to the house. I took them to the room and smiles.

"This is where your life will be taken." I said.

They inched away but I was so fast that you only hear their screaming fading away, as I drank their blood. I did as my father told me.

And the bodies on the bed started to....

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