Spyro Finds Out The Truth/Rise Of Dark Spyro

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The skylanders just finished fixing a tech problem thanks to sprocket and JV's magic eggs but now in eons study "spyro would you stay a moment?" asked eon "I know you're upset with me for not being here this morning but I'm upset with you too" said spyro "spyro I'm" eon started "you know I've suspected for the longest time that you knew more about what happened to my family more than you're willing to say I trusted you master eon I did  eon but then I found out that that you lied about not knowing who strykore is not just to me but all of us and I-I just don't know why you would do such a thing" said spyro "but I do know one thing it's that I don't want to be a part of a team whose leader is a liar so I'm done being a skylander" said spyro "spyro I" started eon "what" said spyro "I'll tell you everything right now" said eon giving in guiltily they went into the relics room and eon went over to the box that had the dragon tail bone that hugo got in the falling forest "all of your dragon-kind where heroes" started eon while spyro looked at the bone and his tail then back at eon and the bone "some of the most powerful beings the realm has ever known they were tasked with protecting the core of light and I was tasked with protecting them but I failed spyro" said eon sadly and torn of what he was going to say next he knew it would rip spyro apart finding out that the person that was a father of sorts was the one responsible for the possible extinction of spyros race eon began to speak again "at the apex of the great war a mysterious dark and evil force rose to power" eon said "strykore" said spyro "he was intent in taking over our world and used forbidable dark magic to take over your ancestors and turned them evil I was fored to make a terrible decision to protect the core of light I used all my power to send them to another realm" eon said "wait wait wait wait an-another realm th-that means their still out there right? we-we can still find them" said spyro anxiously "I-I'm afraid it's not that simple the magic I used was unfamiliar, devastating, unweielding I don't know where I sent them or if they're still alive" said eon sadly "I-I am so sorry spyro" eon said reaching his hand out to spyro but spyro reeled back closed his eyes and then opened them and said "you're sorry you obliterated my family my entire race and you're sorry?" eon stepped back and spyro fell slowly to the ground he couldn't believe what he heard the person he trusted could have potentialy have destroyed Spyro's dragon-kind eon kneeled down and touched Spyro's head" spyro I" eon started "too late" said spyro and he flew out of the relics room eon ran out after him he saw spyro about to fly away "spyro please" started eon "we're done eon and I'll never forgive you for this" said spyro eon looked at the ground guiltily and sighed
at kaossandras Castle
Kaos said the spell that glumshanks told him to open Kaossandras powerful spell book "I did it now to find that spell to free mother and" kaos started "or I can give something better" said a voice "I can help you kaos" said the voice again "and why would you do that?" asked kaos "because there's nothing I wouldn't do for you son"said strykore" did you just call me son?" asked kaos "yes I've really been looking forward to meeting you kaos" said strykore Strykore then done a spell and gave kaos the power to free his mother and desroy his enemies
With spyro
"hello it's me spyro the guys ancestors you hate so much" said spyro "you dare return to my realm boy" shouted malefore "we have some unfinished business" said spyro "I will crush you into purple dust" said malefore "I'm not afraid of you" said spyro "wich will make crushing you all the more gratifying" said malefore then malefore shot powerful flames at spyro the fire and smoke cleared away "how is that possible?" asked malefore curiously "because uh um because I'm uh I'm 31 flavors of awsomesauce that's how also ever hear of mint dragon breath is no joke" said spyro "you need more than fire to defeat me skylander" said malefore "ok slow your role malefore I'm not here to fight I came here for answers that's right master eon finally told me what happened to my ancestors that he was respible for their disappearence not you" said spyro "I know you posses undead powers to access any realm including the one eon sent my dragon kind too" said spyro "you think I will help you just like that and let bygones be bygones" shouted malefore "would it help if I told you cynders getting straight A's and got the lead in the spring musical" said spyro spyro malefore flew straight up "not a a fan of musicals copy that" said spyro "time to rid your kind forever boy" shouted malefore
Back at the academy
"look Hugo tell the beard spray for men people if they want me to shave my beard for their new ad campaign beard speay for life is not enough they also need to make a small donation to my charity beards for babies" eons berad started to weird out "looks like you need more than that to satisfy your beard eon" said hugo "it's-it's spyro he's in danger" his beard gave a thumbs up
Back in the cadaveriuos crypets
"impenetrable scales or not I'll still destroy you oh and your instincts were right I do know where eon sent your kind and I'll enjoy telling your parents their only child is no more" said malefore that did it for spyro  "my parents tell me where they are now" he shouted charging at malefore "It hurts doesn't it this is just the beginning"said malefore
Back at kaossandras Castle
"now then my son it is time to strike our enemies down" said strykore "then you'll tell me where babies come from" asked kaos "ask your mother" said strykore uncomfortablely
he found his mother and took out the doom raiders "are you seriously still here get outta here before I lay the smack down on all of you" said kaos he saw the golden queen trying to sneak away "oh no no no no quennie I have something special planned for you" said kaos summoning a ball of dark magic and imprisoned golden queen in it "k-Kaos let me go And you will never see me again" said the golden queen "sorry queenie parting is just sweet nah thats it it's just sweet" said kaos and launched the ball away
Back at the academy
Hugo burst through the door "theres something you need see all of you do" he shouted they went outside to see malefore in the sky on a billboard from the cadaverous crypts "hello skylands I have something to show you" malefore said he then pulled out spyro "spyro noo" said stealth elf "I am taking him to the cadaverous crypts to be my slave but I will return him to the academy  on one condition return the heir to my throne my daughter cynder if she pledges herself to evil forevermore spyro is all yours  you have until sundown to meet my demands or you will never see spyro again" said malefore and closed the holo pic "I was afraid this would happen spyro is in a fragile emotional state right now and it has made him vulnerable to our enemies" said eon "what happened to him master eon?" asked eruptor"I finally told spyro all he wanted to know and what happened to his dragon-kind and things that where hard to hear and distraught him deeply things I am responsible for and shame me greatly" eon said sadly "Is that why you avoided telling him the truth for so long?" asked elf "yes stealth elf and now he knows he is angry, hurt, confused and it lead him into the claws of that fiend malefore" said eon "well we all make mistakes even powerful beings with perfect beards right now all that matters is saving spyro" said elf 'my best friend and the only one I love' she thought in her head so no one heard her say it "then let's stop wasting time and go save spyro" said JV "yeah" said pop fizz "I lava this idea" said eruptor "lead the way" said sprocket "not going without me" said cynder "I can't ask you to partake in this dangerous mission"said eon  "well I'm coming whether you want me to or not so you're stuck with me and besides spyro is my friend and the reason I'm here" she said "very well" said eon
Back at kaossandras
Kaos went over to his mother and freed her from her golden prison "It's ok mother I'm here" said kaos "kaos thank goodness how how were you able to free me?" asked kaossandra "I just asked my father to me" said kaos "your father?" asked kaossandra in confusion "strykore you know the guy you imprisoned and betrayed" said kaos "strykore? Nonono kaos you've got it all wrong strykore can't be trusted all he cares about is power" said kaossandra "why did you help eon and not let darkness rule the skylands?" questioned kaos kaossandra said nothing "so it is true now I know why you didn't like me since birth it's because I reminded you of strykore isn't it" said kaos "kaos listen just take a deep breath and let me explain" kaossandra started but kaos interrupted "theres only one thing I need from you mother my dark magic powers with yours" said kaos "ma'am" said glumshanks "glummy get mother an energy bar and some water being turned to gold can take it out of a person" said kaos he then left to his father "stop stop" said strykore "even with your additional powers you can't free me" said strykore "Is there nothing left we can do?" asked kaos "there is one other way find me the bravest noble powerful skylander so I can injest their light"said strykore "so you are the one they used to call 'the light eater'!" said kaos exitedly "yes in the great war"  started strykore "ohh you've got a flashbacky tone I just love those" said kaos "I was the most feared and powerful being until kaossandra betrayed me" said strykore "why wouldn't mother help you and let ultimate evil rule the skylands?" asked kaos "why indeed" said strykore
In the cadaverious crypts
Kaos got there" ok malefore hand over spyro"said kaos "you think you can come into my realm and tell me what to do? You're as insane as he is" said malefore "it's not what I want it's what strykore wants" kaos said as soon as he said strykore malefore showed a bit of fear "strykore has returned?" asked malefore" no not yet but he needs spyro to do it"said kaos "and what do I get in return?" asked malefore "you get to live" said kaos" hmph you don't scare me"said malefore cockily "you should be because if you give strykore spyro I will tell him how happy you were to help" said kaos "ooorrr I could just kill you take spyro and tell strykore that you were unwilling to help" said kaos "so what'd ya say do we have a deal huh? Huh?" said kaos
When the skylanders arrived
The skylanders arrived too late "skylanders so you decided to show" said malefore "indeed now where is spyro" said elf and eon malefore chuckled "I won't tell you" said malefore and they all began to fight elf took him down "DAMMIT MALEFORE WHERE IS HE IF YOU'VE HURT HIM SO HELP ME" shouted elf surprising everyone "remind me to never get on her bad sid" said JV the others agreed "I-I killed the pest he's dead ok" said malefore elf and eon were devastated to hear this "now I've got you" said malefore taking cynder
Back at kaossandras castle
Spyro woke up to see strykore he backed up into kaos who was grinning evily "who are you?" asked spyro "I was once known as 'the light eater' and the most powerful being in the skylands and you will help me become so again" said strykore "I'll never help you" spyro said charging at strykore but strykore zapped him "yes kaos you did well feed me spyro give me your light" said strykore as he sucked Spyro's light spyro darkened strykore emerged from his prison "oh father so glad that you are out of that prison" said kaos "yes yes but let's leave the affections after we destroy the core" said strykore as kaos and himself were leaving "hold on what about him?" asked kaos pointing at spyro "spyro how do you feel?" asked strykore" I'm not sure but I suddenly have an urge to take up 2 parking spaces at once" said Dark spyro "dang he really is evil now" said kaos strykore ignored the comment "and the skylanders? How do you feel about them?" asked strykore "they are... My enemies" said Dark spyro
Ok that's that done I know this chapter was kind of like the episode of skylanders academy but that doesn't mean the other ones will I have alot of ideas for dark spyro going to the academy and missions with the skylanders I might skip some because I don't want this book to dragon (get it?) so with that said and done see ya in the next chapter

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