Time Traviling Dragon

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At the academy
Everyone was looking at spyro then they all ran at him elf teleported to hug him first to feel the warmth from him but he felt cold instead she was concerned "hey guys have I got a story to tell you" he said in his cheery voice "well then spill the beans" said eruptor
After a long story
"and picture the most epic and awesome battle you can and that's what took place and then I had just escaped malefores evil cluches I-I had no choice but to leave cynder behind I-I mean I just got away by myself" said spyro finishing up the story "oh our poor little guy" said eon hugging spyro tightly as spyro tried not to laugh or throw up "so how did your battle change your appearance and voice" asked elf "well uh you know how a very terriyying experience can turn a persons hair grey well my fight with malefore turned my entire physical appearance from beautiful bright shining purple to the darkest black" said spyro "as for my voice all the screaming from trying to escape malefore" said spyro "so uh I just need some time to recuperate and rest alone" said spyro trying to get them to leave but no one moved an inch "nonsense I'm not leaving you alone again ever ever ever" said eon huging spyro again "uhh yea I know but can you just let me rest" said spyro faking a yawn "very well" said eon understanding "oh but before you go I brought back some home coming gift bags" said spyro giving out gift bags wich were different colours that mathed his "friends" as he was secretly undercover for strykore "well thanks spyro" said elf "well I guess we'll let you rest now" said eon "bye spyro" said his "friends" still not knowing "bye guys" said spyro shutting the door as they all left "whew thought they'd never shut up and leave" said spyro leaning against the door "all right spyro time to get to work" spyro told himself
After hrs and hrs of searching and days
"I've had the map to arkus this whole time" said spyro looking at the wumpan puzzle box in his hand "oh strykore will be soooo happy about this" said spyro going to his room "strykore strykore" spyro said calling strykore "what is it spyro even dark lords need some alone time" said strykore "I've found the map to arkus it's in this wumpan puzzle box" "spyro started "why do I feel like a but is coming?" asked strykore knowing what was coming "buuut I don't know how to open it"said spyro "well find a way!" said strykore then he left "hmm how to open it? How to open it?" said spyro asking himself that question" I got it!"he told himself answering the question" I'll use that time dissruptor that the big ol' bird brain has and go back in time to find crash ask him and come back here like nothing ever happened" said spyro smiling evilly at his plan
At the attic a.k.a JV'S room
"where is that time dissruptor?" spyro asked himself then he looked at a locker thing "maybe it's in that... Whatever it is" said spyro he opened it and he found the time dissruptor "time to find out how to open a wumpan puzzle box" said spyro going into the portal
Back in time where the skylanders were helping crash get back home
Spyro came out of the portal "well considering I'm here and there I'd say it worked" said spyro "alright now I have to get crash and ask him about the puzzle box" said spyro spyro grabbing crash when he had the chance "alright who's the drongo tryin' to get one over on ol' crash eh?" said crash getting ready for a fight then he saw spyro "hang on a minute mate weren't you just over there a second ago?" asked crash "yea well I'm from the future" said spyro "oh the future what's that thing?" crash asked about the time dissruptor "it's a time dissruptor it's how I got here" said spyro "oh my sis coco would be sooo jealous she's into all that science stuff" said crash "can I see it?" asked crash not waiting for an answer when he took it he tripped over a rock and dropped it and it took them back to before spyro jumped in the portal
Back at the present time
Spyro was shot out of the portal "agggrrrhhh nononono I didn't get the answer from him!" said spyro angrily" hey mate" said a voice spyro turned "ahh w-what are you doing here you're not supposed to be here" said spyro "well now I can see the future" said crash excited "yea well it's not so diffrent so don't get your hopes up" said spyro they went outside "uhhhh" was all that came from spyro "ok this is not how I remember the skylands being" said crash "yea because you're not supposed to be here" said spyro seeing a mabu "uhh sir can you tell us where the skylanders are?" asked spyro "hmm there there ain't no skylanders here they were defeated you see by king glumshanks" said the mabu then he left so spyro and crash picked up a phone and watched how glumshanks defeated the skylanders "so that's how it happened" said crash "ok let's get to the castle and get that time dissruptor" said spyro after seeing that there's a dissruptor in the castle
In the castle
"it's time for the Royal feast" said glumshanks "oh food taster" said glumshanks "yes your kingness" said kaos "taste my food incase it's poisoned" said glumshanks kaos began to eat different foods afterwards he seemed fine "so? Feel anything? Anything different?" asked glumshanks "no in fact that was the best meal I've had in ages" said kaos "hmm shame kind of hoped it was poisoned" said glumshanks quietly "how about you look at your collection?" said kaos then they walked over to a curtain and kaos pulled the rope and it opened "look at that sire each and every one of the skylanders defeated by you" said kaos "ahh yes but without spyro my collection will never be complete" said glumshanks sadly "now leave me be" said glumshanks telling kaos to leave
Outside of the castle
Crash was waiting for spyro because he was scouting to see when the guards will change "ok so they should be changing shifts soon" said the voice of spyro "but while we're waiting can you tell me how to open a wumpan puzzle box?" asked spyro noding his head "hold on are you talking about wumpan puzzle boxes" said crash "yes" spyro said "wumpan puzzle boxes" said crash again "yesyes" spyro said nodding his head faster "wumpan puzzle boxes" said crash "yesyesyes" said spyro nodding so fast that his head became a blur of black he "never heard of 'em" said crash getting Spyro's hopes up "look they're changing shifts" said crash "let's go" said spyro as they snuck past the guards spyro almost got caught but crash pulled him into a room "extreme save" said crash quietly and tip toed "man these statues are really life like" said crash talking to kaos "I'm not a statue dum-dum" said kaos "spyro I've been looking forward to seeing you face to face" said kaos walking up to him spyro ready to fight but then kaos hugged him "I knew you'd come" said kaos "yea sorry we're not from this time" said spyro backing out of the hug "but I thought" kaos started "yea sorry but as I said we're not from this time but we can stop this from happening and go back to our times" said spyro "yea uhh before we do anything I've gotta tinkle" said crash "down the hall 3rd right" said kaos then crash left for the bathroom while kaos pulled out a puzzle box "that's a wumpan puzzle box" said spyro "I'm back so what's the plan" said crash "first me and you find the dissruptor and then get back to our time's" said spyro "ok but first we need to open the box" said crash "wich I have no idea how to open" said spyro kaos held it with closed eyes "how did you open that?" spyro asked kaos "they open automatically if you're true of heart hmph everyone knows that" said kaos "psst spyro if you're still interested I know how to open a puzzle box" whispered crash spyro wasn't happy "only use incase of time related emergencies?" said spyro curiously "how many emergencies are there?" asked spyro "it happens more often than you think" said kaos "now do your time reverse thing and stop all of this" said kaos "wait what's this?" said crash walking to a curtain "good grief spyro look over 'ere mate" said crash "oh for the love of ok now here's your portal" said spyro about to open a portal "ahahah now why would you leave so soon?"said the voice of glumshanks" all right you want a fight let's go" said spyro fighting glumshanks "ha you think that you can beat me" said glumshanks "no I don't think I know I can beat you" said spyro beating glumshanks opening a portal for crash "ok now time to go home" said spyro opening a portal to his time
At Spyro's time
"ok no more screwing around with time travil ok now I have to tell strykore about this predicament we find ourselves in" said spyro going to his room but not before putting the time dissruptor back where it belongs
New chapter know they seem to be coming quite frequently but I have ideas juicy ideas for dark Spyro in the next few chapters so stay tuned for the next one see ya!

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