Spyro's Hidden Power

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Hi there I am sooooooooooooooooooooooo so so unbelievabley sorry for the super ultra long wait guys I just had some super ultra writers block  but and we're here now so without further aduo let's start this chapter

Spyro's P.O.V
I felt a surge of power going through my body I felt so powerful like I could level the skylands with a click of my talons that's how powerful I feel I could hear my dark self laughing maliciously "now dear spyro any last words?" he asked "yeah" I said "FEEL MY NEW POWER" I yelled feeling my body change my wings extending as was my tail my teeth grew as well my scales where changing colour
Elf's P.O.V
Spyro started screaming but not in pain as if he was tapping into a hidden power "eon what's happening" I heard cynder yell "spyro seems to be tapping into a hidden power of some kind" eon yelled over the noise Spyro's body seemed to extend, scales changing colour, talons growing, teeth growing and his eyes turned purple after several minutes everything stopped I stared at my dragon boyfriend he looked amazing "spyro you look so cool" said Hex "thanks" he said in a deeper voice "I didn't even know I had this kind of power" he said in that deep voice again I just can't get enough of his new voice and new muscular build "WHAAAAT IS THIS" we heard Dark Spyro yell in rage "this is my hidden power known as... GOLDEN SPYRO" said spyro "FINE I'LL JUST BEAT YOU AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN" yelled Dark spyro clearly in rage "spyro can I talk to you?" I ask him "yeah sure" he said walking over "what is it?" he asked "I... I just want to say good luck and I love you" I said and I kissed him he was tense because it was sudden we separated and I smiled the biggest smile I ever had
Spyro's P.O.V
I was about to answer Elf but she... She KISSED ME I mean sure I wanted to but here? Now? It was so sudden but I gave in and we separated and I swear she had the biggest grin on her face "well that was... Unexpected but nice" I said "ok good now go kick his evil ass back into dust" she said I smiled and went to fight my Dark self
I flew over to him "so you've got a new power you still won't beat me you're just weak" said my Dark self
"heh we'll just have to see about that now won't we" said I with a smirk we then began to clash the battle I had was intense there was a shift between power every now and then but I know I can beat this son of a bitch back into whatever dust "grrrr JUST GIVE UP ALREADY YOU'VE LOST YOU JUST DON'T KNOW IT YET" he yelled in rage I laughed "oh that's the best joke I've heard from you you've BARLEY left a scratch on me whereas you have cuts and scrapes" I said "I WON'T LOSE TO YOU YOU'RE WEAK YOU MAY HAVE A NEW POWER BUT I CAN STILL BEAT YOU" he yelled in anger "oh we'll see let's see you match this" I said as I pish him in the air and then into the ground with lightning speed that made it look like I didn't move
"now time to get ride of you" I said starting up my fire breath to finish him off once and for all but he kicked me of off him "grrr I WILL BEAT YOU IT DOESN'T MATTER IF YOU HAVE NEW POWER OR NIT YOU'RE STILL GOING TO DIE" he yelled out in anger "we'll see about that" I say smirking we both charge up our fire breath to the max and then we fired our blast met in the middle and it kept shifting back and forth continuesly " JUST GIVE UP YOU'LL NEVER WIN" I heard my evil self shout "NEVER I'LL NEVER GIVE UP" I yell back "then. this. will. be. you're. end." he said as he putt more power into his blast making shoot towards mebut I did the same thing and not long after it was about to blow us up "NO! NO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU MANIAC YOU'RE GOING TO KILL US BOTH WITH THAT MUCH POWER PSYCHOPATH" he yelled in surprise and desperation " I KNOW BUT ITS THE ONE SURE FIRE WAY TO GET RID OF YOU" I said determined to rid the skylands off this ass hat "goodbye skylands, goodbye elf" I said knowing I wouldn't survive this "NOOOOOOOooooooooooo" I heard as dark Spyro's last words heh pathetic "SPYRO!!" I heard a worried elf say as she caught me falling
Elf's P.O.V
I was happy that dark Spyro was goung be defeated by spyro but what was said next sent chill down my spine"NO! NO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU MANIAC YOU'RE GOING TO KILL US BOTH WITH THAT MUCH POWER PSYCHOPATH" I heard dark Spyro say I KNOW BUT ITS THE ONE SURE FIRE WAY TO GET RID OF YOU" I heard spyro say after I heard I grew worried as did everyone else "eon what's he talking about" I heard J.V ask eon sighed "spyro is making the ultimate sacrifice for us to rid the skylands of his evil self but to do so he must use all of his strength to make sure that his evil twin will be gone" eon said then we heard and saw bang and flash of light and I saw spyro falling very fast so I ran to catch him "SPYRO!!" I caught him just before he hit the ground I look down at him as everyone gathers around as well "spyro buddy saw somethin" eruptor said desperately wanting his best friend to wake up I was crying "let's get him to the infirmary quickly" said eon worried just as much as me I mean he DID raise him from childhood to now so it makes sense for him to be worried
At the infirmary
"how is he is he going to be OK" eruptor asked the doctor "well his condition is extremely hard to predict and we won't be able to tell when or if he'll wake up" said the doctor "oh ok" said elf sadly "don't worry spyro is a tough lad never really seen anyone like him to be honest I'm sure he'll pull through" said Jet Vac elf looked at Jet Vac and back at spyro "I hope guys I really hope so" said elf

Hiii yes I'm not dead as you can see I know this took a long time what's it been since I last updated this story 3 years ago? Heh sorry but I do have a life like every other author and some people probably forgot this even exists but anyway if there's anyone actually reading this hope you liked it but I don't know when I'll get the next chapter out sorry but I do think I'll make the next one the last one again sorry for the long wait

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