= Quirks =

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1) Burn Body - The user can set their whole body on fire and use fire related attacks

Weaknesses - Someone could pour water on the user and put out the fire. The user can only set themselves on fire for 2 hours (but can be extended through training). If the user uses their quirk for too long they can get headaches and small burns on their skin.

Strengths - Their whole body catches on fire so they have the advantage in hand to hand combat. Their fire attacks are very strong.

2) Bandages - The user has bandages and can control them to attack

Weaknesses - Someone could burn them, cut them or just generally "get rid" of the bandages, if the users bandages get attacked too much they start to get a massive headache

Strengths - The user can use them to be taller, or attack from long distance. Bandages can be used in everyday life to help, no time limit on how long they can use them.

3) Transparent (Suggested by user25457786 ) - Everything the user touches becomes invisible (except blood)

Weaknesses - The user has to be skilled in hand to hand combat, if they saw her go transparent they could try to track where the user is. If the user has better hearing they could find out where she is. If the user over uses their quirk, they get nose bleed and that gives away their direction. The user cannot make their blood or anyone elses blood invisible. Can only be Transparent for about an hour (can be extended through training)

Strengths - The user is mostly unknown. The user can do a lot of stealth attacks. They have the advantage in most fights.

(( I made a slight change to the suggestion ))

4) Any other suggestions?


Okay! So I made a small list of quirks you guys can choose from! If you don't like any of these though you can make your own suggestions!

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