Chapter One

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Prompt- What If Alice didn't hold Jughead back after he tried to go see Betty after learning of her seizure.

Betty's POV

"And you Betty. This is exactly what Dr. Patel was talking about." No, mom, please don't say it. "You keep this up young lady, and you'll have another" No! "seizure," Why mom, why. "Seizure?" Jughead asked. "Did you have a seizure and not tell me about it?" He asked again. My god, I could hear the hurt in his voice. My life is a mess, it's over. And just as I'm about to explain, my mom, of all people shouts out. "She most certainly did. And it's because you keep on dragging her into these murder investigations," okay, I get it if she wants to blame me, but not Jughead, he did nothing wrong. So, without completely knowing it, I snapped. (A.N. Will dark Betty make an appearance???)

"You are UNBELIEVABLE, mom," I yelled, stomping up to my room. I can't have a normal life. And that is completely my fault. My mother may be difficult, but I'm the one that's making myself miserable. I'm an awful girlfriend and can't do anything right. Of all things that I could've done in that moment, I guess my brain found it best to just break down, with no trace of sanity left. I started to sob, I looked like I'd just found out my father was serial killer. Whoops, I guess he is. Just another thing to add to my list of what makes me absolutely insane.  

I felt like I'd been crying for hours, when I'm assuming It'd only been about one minute. Soon enough, Jughead barged in and thankfully locked the door, I clearly wasn't in the mood for another lecture from that woman. I looked away from Jughead, I don't deserve him, I don't even deserve to look at him. He is too good for me, too pure to be with an evil person like me. 

Jughead's POV

Betty looked awful, she was crying, no, sobbing, and I had no reason why. I slowly approached her and lifted her chin up. She refused to look at me, saying "you're too pure to look at me, if you do then you'll no longer be pure, because I'm an evil person. An awful person," I quickly refuted her, saying "You aren't evil Betty, yeah, you have issues, but I have a hell of a lot more. If anyone here doesn't deserve the other it's me, Betty, I don't deserve you. Nobody's perfect, but you are pretty damn close in my opinion." I sat down across from her on her bed.

"Why are you being so kind to me Jug, I lied to you, held back information that you probably wanted to know, information that I should've told you." 

"I'm your boyfriend Betty, I can't get upset over these things. Yeah, I wish that you told me earlier and that I didn't have to figure this out via. Alice Cooper. But, it's nothing that I'm going to get mad about, just something we can't have happen in the future. Okay? I love you Betty Cooper, and you are the most perfect person I've ever met, and probably will ever meet. There is absolutely nothing in this world I love more than you." Betty was crying now and let me tell you, she still looked beautiful as ever. God I love that girl.

"I love you too Jug, and nothing will ever hold me back from telling you something like that, ever again. I promise." 

So, in that moment I was feeling romantic and loved, so I leaned in, and kissed my love with all the love I had to give. I've been dating her for, what?, a year now? But still, every time that we kissed I felt the same amount of love towards her, like I'll never run out of love. At least, not love for her, she was perfect, and always has been. 

Just as we broke the kiss, I heard a knock on Betty's window. Now why the hell, is someone knocking on Betty's window. It was, of course, my dad and her mom, but I just went over to the window, locked it, and closed the blinds. 

"What do we have to do to get a little privacy around here?" I joked with Betty. 

"Oh let me tell you Jughead Jones, you'll need to do a lot more than that," she giggled. 

"Well then, shall we take said precautions?" I asked smugly. 

So we walked over to the window together, opened the blinds and waved goodbye, before going downstairs to lock all other entrances to the humble house. Betty and I finally had some privacy, for once.

Okay, be honest, did you like it? please let me know in the comments. I hope you all have a lovely rest of your day! P.S if you have a suggestion, let my know by messaging me personally!

~live, laugh, love bughead 

~Farewell from your dearest Alli Elizabeth!

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