Chapter Two

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Prompt- Betty and Jughead watch a movie (and more)

Jughead's POV

 You see, my family is quite unconventional. For the longest time, my sister, Jellybean, and mother lived in Toledo, while my father and I lived in Riverdale. Yet when my mom moved back with us, and of course brought Jellybean, there was no hate from anyone, we were all too happy to be back together as a family. Emphasis on the too. My mom in Riverdale is the issue, not JB. And I don't know how to get rid of her, I just know that I need to. 

I don't exactly appreciate my mother going behind our backs and buying my girlfriend's house either. I've told Betty numerous times about how she can come stay with us, but she won't, says she doesn't want to take up space. I can at least get her to come over to watch some movies with me, from time to time, when the rest of the family is gone. You see, my mother doesn't like Betty, but she won't say it out loud, to reserve the peace, but I see the way she looks, or scowls, at her. I just wish my mom had stayed the hell in Toledo.

"Hey Juggie, how are you?" It was Betty of course. She was coming over to watch another movie. This new horror movie, called IT, I think. 

"I'm surviving, doing better now that you're here," I replied, the last part quieter. It sucked that our parents were at war, and that we were caught in between. I'm guessing that Betty heard me, because she suddenly snuggled closer to me and gently placed her soft pink lips on my own. Our kiss quickly became heated, but not too heated, if you know what I'm saying. All of the sudden, I hear a bang on the door, but me being me, didn't let it interrupt our wonderful moment. 

But then Jellybean walked through the door. JELLYBEAN!! My little sister. She hasn't even met Betty yet, but the first time she does I'm making out with her on our coach. How utterly embarrassing is that? 

"Who is that Jug?" She asked, of course, not knowing who the heck I was making out with. I don't blame her though. 

"This is my girlfriend, Betty, Betty this is my sister, Jelleybean," I say, trying to act like what just happened didn't happen the way it did. 

"Um, it's actually JB, nice to meet you Betty," my sister said awkwardly, but I still love her.

Betty's POV

Well, I just met Jughead's sister, which is good, but not under the most wonderful circumstances. After JB went up to her room, Jug and I went back to watching our movie, IT. It is a very creepy movie, and I found myself cowering into Jughead's chest at all the scary moments, which were like every two seconds. (A.N. Sorry to those who have watched the movie, I have not, so I have ultimately no idea.) At one point in the movie, I felt a little sleepy, so I just snuggled closer to Jughead's chest, never wanting our moment to end. 

Sadly it did. I was sleeping peacefully one moment, and the next I was being woken up by an angry Gladys and a forgiving and kind FP. I'm assuming JB was upstairs, but only god knows. I woke up before Jughead, who basically left me alone with an evil hawk who wanted to pry my eyes out with her filthy talons. I believe the conversation went something like this... 

"What the hell is this hoebag doing in my house," Gladys said, ever with class. 

"Now Gladys-" FP started but got cut off by the lovely woman herself. 

"I always hated you you know, I can't stand you. You aren't worthy of my son, and you never will be. You see, you're a wimp and you don't have a strong bone in your body. You are a stuck up snob, just like your mother, and I don't think you can change, or will for that matter. You'll never be a serpent and you'll never be a Jones," The woman ranted on, her hate building up. 

By this time I was crying. Sobbing. I couldn't let Jug see me like this, so I got up, being sure not to move his arm too much. I grabbed my bag and put my shoes on, and left through the bright red door I once knew to be my own. Maybe Gladys was right, I'd never be a Jones, I didn't deserve to be, he's to good for me. 

"YOU BITCH!" I heard someone exclaim. But not just anyone. It was FP. I then heard Jughead say something along the lines of "what the hell" and "where's Betty", to which his dad answered. "Your mom ran her away, said she didn't belong and never would. Betty just left, probably still outside somewhere," and he was right, I was outside. I didn't get very far before just sitting down sobbing, just out to the stairs. When Jughead came outside, he immediately ran out to me. 

"I'm sorry Jug, I'm ruining your family, I might as well just leave now," I stated, no louder than a faint whisper. 

"No, she's ruining our family, my family. That's you Betty, I love you more than I love anything else, anyone in that household, even JB and dad. You are my girlfriend, and if you ask me, you are just as much of a Jones as her, probably even more. I'm done with her, okay?" He pulled me into a tight embrace, kissing the top of my head. I pulled away, just for a second, to kiss him, just on the lips. I can't believe how lucky I am to have Jug, one could say I'm the luckiest woman in our fair Riverdale. Maybe we were less of Romeo and Juliet and more of a Jack and Rose, like destiny brought us together. Except, I would make room for Jughead on the door. 

How was it? I snuck in a little reference to the Titantic, so I'm proud of myself. I hope you liked it and thanks for reading!!

~live, laugh, love bughead

~Farewell from moi, Alli Elizabeth!

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